14. Final Prep and Arrivals

Start from the beginning

"Hello future mother-in-law," Logan says smirking

"You can be my son-in-law as long as she doesn't make me a grandmother before she's old enough to drink, deal?" Lorelai asks

"Deal," Logan says smiling

"Now that's dealt with, where is our ride?" Lorelai asks

"Mother, It's just outside," Rory says

"Is it a hummer, Land Rover, BMW, escalade?" Lorelai asks

"You will see," Logan says

~the 4 walk towards the pickup zone~

"OMG, are we taking a limo to the house?" Lorelai asks

"Yes, Lizzie didn't want us too have to worry about getting lost and wanted us to all relax when we got here," Logan says

~A man opens a trunk when he see's Logan and Rory approaching~

"It's an SUV limo... I GET TO RIDE IN A SUV LIMO" Lorelai squealed

"She gets excited easily" Logan laughs

"This is nothing, wait till she see's where they are staying she won't ever want to leave," Rory says "Aren't we just going to a beach house?" Luke asks

"Oh ya you're going to a beach house alright," Rory says smirking

"Ohh I need details," Lorelai says

"Nope sorry, you will see when we get there," Rory says laughing

"Mean, your keeping secrets from your mommy" Lorelai whines

"Yes, I am. You didn't expect me to ruin all the surprises did you?" Rory asks

"Yes, yes I did. Mommy doesn't like surprises" Lorelai whines

"Oh just sit back and relax Lorelai, remember that's what this trip is all about," Luke says

"Fine" Lorelai pouts

~Arriving at the Morgan estate~

"Wow the house is beautiful, but I don't see why you thought I wouldn't ever want to leave," Lorelai says

"Mom, that's not where you and Luke are staying... You see the house over there?" Rory asks pointing to the 2 bedroom cabin 5 feet from the beach

"Yes, it's cute. Looks like a boathouse" Lorelai says

"Mom, that's where you and Luke are staying, the rest of us are in the big house," Rory says

"What... You mean privacy, I walk out the door into the sand and is within a small walking distance of my daughter and her friends?" Lorelai squeals

"Yes, they even have a cook to make anything to eat you would like, a huge breakfast every day and amazing exotic coffee you will love. It's not Luke's, but it's close" Logan says

"We will see," Lorelai says

~Luke and Logan take the bags into the cabin~

"Unpack, get situated, and when you're ready, you can join the rest of us on the beach and if you want I can give you both a tour," Rory says

"We will for sure join you on the beach and then get the tour, and of course we need to see Lizzie and Frankford because it's been a while since I have seen them," Lorelai says

"No problem, Logan will be I'm sure playing some game with the guys and I will be with the girls relaxing," Rory says laughing

On the beach

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