Chapter 8- are you jealous?

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It had been a few minutes since we had been on the plane, and Austin was still not talking to me. I glanced over at him wondering if he was mad at me. I was bored, and even if I was tired, I couldn't fall asleep, considering I tried multiple times.

"Austin." I said and touched his arm, but he had his earphones on. I took off one of his earbuds and smiled at him when he looked at me, but he didn't smile back.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, but he shrugged off my hand, not answering me.

"What's wrong?" I asked again, but he grabbed the earbud I took off his ear and placed it back on his ear. Okay, now I was really confused. A while ago he was kissing my neck, and now he was ignoring me. Did I do something? Maybe it was because I didn't kiss him, but we weren't together. I sighed and leaned my head on the window, looking down at the clouds.

Austin's P.O.V.

"Austin." I heard Jasmin say my name, but I didn't answer her. I didn't reply to her, even when she was smiling at me. That smile that I loved so much. I couldn't stop thinking about the bet I made with the guys. I knew I couldn't keep going along with it, and I had to cut it off. I was starting to develop feelings for Jasmin, and I didn't want to hurt her. After a while, Jasmin stopped talking, and I knew she had given up trying to get my attention. I took off my earphones and looked over at her, watching her looking out the window. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder,"hey." I whispered.

Jasmin's P.O.V.

I kept looking out the window, just thinking. I was still a bit bothered because Austin would not talk to me. A few minutes later, I feel Austin's arms around my waist and hear him whisper. I turn to him and raise an eyebrow,"hey?" I question him. He was talking to me now?

I look back outside the window, but I feel his hand being gently placed on my cheek and turning my head towards his.

"Look at me." He says and I turn to him.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about things." He says, looking guilty. I nodded, trying to understand him,"it's fine." I smile softly.

For the rest of the fight, we are talking and just messing around.

Once we landed in San Antonio, Texas, I feel even more tired. We all walked out of the plane and went to go get our things. I watch Austin getting his things, and Alex walks over to me.

"Hey." He says, looking just as tired.

"Hey." I smile back. We have to wait longer because apparently they can't find Austin's suitcase. I stand there talking to Alex while the guys go help Austin, and Alex wraps his arm around my shoulder. I rest my head on his chest and yawn. "The flight was really long." I say, and he agrees, saying that he spent most of the time sleeping, but that he is still tired. Austin, Robert, and Zach finally come back, and I lift my head off Alex. When I look at Austin, I see him glaring at Alex, and it's probably because Alex had his arm around me. I grab my suitcase and we start walking out, and Alex walks to Robert and Zach, leaving me with Austin.

"What were you and Alex doing?"

"Waiting for you." I shrug.

"Why was his arm around you?"

I giggled softly and look at him. We get to the car that was waiting for us, and we put out things in the back.

"Are you jealous?"

"No, I'm not jealous." He groans.

"He's jealous." Robert says.

"I'm not jealous!" Austin says loudly.

"And I'm not hot." Robert says, making me laugh.

"Whatever." Austin mumbles and walks inside the car,

"Why is he mad?" Alex asks me.

"Because you had your arm around me."

"Oh, right." He laughs and we all get in the car to head to the hotel.

I'm sitting in between Austin and Robert, and Zach and Alex are in the back.

"You're so cute." I whisper to Austin, smirking lightly.

"No, I'm hot." He corrects me.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." I say and he rests his head on my shoulder and placing a kiss on my neck, whispering,"you."

"Austin." I whisper yell at him, but he's just smirking at me. I can feel the guys looking at us, and I glare at Austin, hearing him laughing. His mom and Rocco get in the car, and we head to the hotel.

"Wow." I say as we walk inside the hotel room. It's so beautiful and we have so much space. There are two rooms connected. I walk in first and see there are only two beds. I run to one and place my things on the bed, laying down. Austin walks in after and heads to the other bed. The rest of the guys go to the other room, and we can hear them fighting over the beds since there are three of them and only two beds.

I watch Austin place his things on his bed and then walks over to my bed.

"We have the day to ourselves today. Let's do something."

"Like what?"

"Let's go bowling." He grins and I smile.

"Okay, are you going to ask the guys too? They're fighting right now." I giggle and sit up.

"Yeah, let me go tell them." He kisses my cheek and walks to the other room, and I immediately hear the guys say yes.

So what do you guys think about Austin and the bet? Do you think Jasmin will find out? Hmm

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter ! Please vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter.

Also, follow me on twitter @AmeezyMyKing

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