Chapter 13- You played me!

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I kept feeling something touching my side, and when I woke up, I saw Austin's face a few inches apart from mine.

"This is not creepy at all." I mumbled onto the pillow. I felt him bury his face on my neck and heard his laugh.

"I'm not creepy." He said, still laughing.

I lifted my head up and looked at him,"you are, I wake up with you starring at me."

"I'd call it more admiring." He smirked and placed a kiss on the crook of my neck. I giggled softly feeling his lips kiss my cheek.

"What time is it?" I yawned and felt movement from Austin.

"Uh..." I opened my eyes and saw him looking at his phone,"almost 8 am."

"Austin!" I groaned and turned around,"why are you waking me up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep." I heard his whine and felt him pull me closer to him.

"What's wrong?" I sighed. I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"I keep thinking about yesterday... Rocco made it clear that-" I heard his sigh, and I turned back around to face him.

"We don't have to keep dating..." It hurt me to say this, but his career came first. I slowly got out of his arms and sat up. Suddenly, I wasn't tired anymore. I was more upset than anything.

"Jas, don't say that." I watched him sit up and bring me to his lap,"I still want to be with you." I smiled, glad to hear him say that.

I heard a knock on the door, and saw Robert walk in.

"Whoa whoa whoa." I heard him say and I raised an eyebrow.

"Why is that bed unmade?" He asked and pointed to Austin's bed.

"Maybe because no one slept in it." Austin stated.

"What? I slept on the couch! Do you know how bad my back hurts?"

"Too bad." Austin smirked.

I watched Robert go to the other bed and lay down. "Wake me up in 4 hours."

I started to laugh and got out of bed, going to the bathroom to get ready.

After 30 minutes, I got out of the bathroom, and I was done getting ready for the day. I saw Robert asleep on the bed, and I giggled softly. I didn't see Austin, so I knew he was probably on the guys room. Since the door connected both rooms, I decided to just go to theirs.

"Hey man, can you drive us today to the mall? I want to buy new shoes." I heard Alex say.

"He still hasn't spent the money you gave him. Man, I am so glad you ended the bet. That money really came in use." Zach said.

I stopped walking and wondered what bet they were taking about.

"Yeah, I wasn't going to keep it going. I wouldn't have want Jasmin go find out. I really like her, man." I heard Austin say.

"Yeah, we thought you were acting, but I guess you aren't." Alex said, laughing.

"Guys!" I heard Robert yell and walk through the same door I walked through. I didn't even notice because I kept thinking about what the guys were saying. They made a bet on me?

"Hey, Jas, are you okay?" I heard Robert say.


I looked up and saw Austin. He had a scared look on his face. I backed away from him, feeling tears in my eyes.

"You guys made a bet about me?!"

"Shit." Robert mumbled, a scared look on his face too,"it's not that bad, Jas."

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