25K: Special Oneshot - Part One

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Thank you all for bringing this book to 25K reads! I really appreciate it. As a reward, here's a quick god-human AU oneshot.

Big, fluffy clouds floated across the clear blue sky, creamy white and caressed by the gentlest of winds . He stood upon them, looking down at the vast green world below.

'Beautiful.' He thought. 'Beautiful, but so, so fragile.'

He'd been there, alone, for who knows how long. Perhaps a century since he'd last spoken. A millennia since he'd taken up his silent vigil on that cloud, watching the world. His existence spanned much longer than that.

He hadn't spoken in so long that he felt like he didn't even know how to anymore. His memories were blotchy and scattered, mere splatters of paint in the huge blank canvas that was supposed to house his life story.

He could remember one thing, however.

And very clearly too.

She was a girl of gold and sunshine, of light and joy and music and laughter. She was the sun and the stars, the moon and the clouds, from galaxies beyond and a place he could never reach.

He'd never wanted anything, never craved anything. Never sought after anything, never needed to.

But the one time he did, it was for something unreachable, unacceptable, untouchable.

He'd seen her, dancing among the swaying wildflowers in the golden afternoon sunlight, hair and dress streaming about and her laughter tinkling in the air, half a millennia ago. She was a mere human, a mortal like the ones he seen many a time. He'd been watching them for a long time — watched them be born and grow and live and love and eventually, die — but he'd always looked on with a sullen indifference, so he didn't know what made this girl so different from all the others.

She was nothing special, just a sweet farmer's daughter with stars in her eyes and flowers in her hair, with a heart that dared to dream and a soul brighter than the midday sun.

He didn't know then, nor did he understand. But it was new, and to him, something new was something interesting. New was kinda hard to come by after half a millennia spent in the clouds staring at the human world. But this girl... she was new.

He watched her everyday, willing the clouds to tether themselves in place above her father's farm so he could always see her.

Day after day, she grew and lived and loved. Day after day, he watched her grow and live and love.

From a bright young girl she grew, into a beautiful young woman unlike any other. She seemed aglow with life and mirth, warmth and joy, but she too, had that staggering mortality he so despised.

He'd never realized how much he hated that mortality, until someone he — he would never admit, but — cared about was faced with it.

Days for her were minutes for him, months - hours, years - days.

Eventually, he found himself yearning for her.

He made the sun brighter for her, the sky clearer and bluer, and clouds fluffier, all for her. If she'd just look up at the sky, she'd see him. He was confirmed with the cage of his own making, and could not go to her.

Her ≫ Fairy Tail FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz