Chapter 43: The End

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Ok! Back to work! I'll try to recreate the chappie 43 from l'avion, but...

Recap: "What the f*** are those?"

"Oh god..."

"The hell?!"



Amid the anger and confusion, the coal-black dragons had started attacking. With magic darker than midnight — pun not intended — they rained down hatred and fury upon the 20 shocked competitors and their 4 masters.

Luckily, Natsu and Aurora reacted after a split second. Encasing the guilds a glowing semi-sphere of gold and red, they turned at made eye contact with their masters, who in turn, snapped out of their daze. Nodding, Zeref and Mavis teleported to Jiemma and Makarov, then into the sphere, where they started waking everyone. By this time — aka 3 seconds later — both the rest of the Eternalis and the rest of the Fateium had woken up and were ready to fight.

'Ready, girls?' Aurora asked telepathically. Energetic 'yeah's and 'yes's were what she received as a reply. 'Let's go, then!'

'Y'all prepared?' Natsu yelled through their mind link. 'Hell yeah!' was the response he received. 'Let's kick some a**!'

Like a passing gale, the 10 were off fighting the dragons. The other 10, who had finally been woken, watched in awe.

"Hey! We can't let them fight all by theirselves!" Gray yelled.

"Let's go help, then." Erza concluded. And just like that, Sabertooth and Fairy Tail went to help, though some reluctantly.

"Ah! These dragons are strong!" Lisanna screamed after five minutes. "Save me, Natsu-kun!"

The requested person paid her no need.

'Tch. And she's only up against a level 1 dragonlet. And she's going against it along with 4 other people, too.' Celisa sneered through their mind link.

'Well, she is only Lisanna, isn't she?' Aurora replied, nonchalant.

Josa sweatdropped. 'Rora-chan, your indifference is way more savage than what Ce-chan said...!'

They had figured that the dragons they were fighting had tiers. Level 1 was the weakest, and up until now, they had seen level 1 to level 5 dragons. Fairy Tail and Sabertooth were obviously not very worried, as they thought that the level five dragons would be the highest level. Erza could overcome a level five dragon with medium to high difficulty, so they were faring ok. However, the onslaught of dragons was eternal, and they probably wouldn't be able to hold up for much longer.

But the Eternalis knew that the dragons wouldn't stop there. No, they definitely wouldn't. For heading the Dragons was Acnologia himself, and that guy was brutal.

Peircing a dragon straight through the heart, Aurora felt her's weigh down a little more.

'No,' she chided herself. 'Don't be guilty. You did nothing wrong. It's their life or yours.' But despite that, she couldn't help thinking. 'Why can't we all live? Why can't we all love? Why can't we all be happy?' A sad smile graced her face. 'Because the world is selfish.'

With renewed determination, she dropped to the ground in from of the dragon. It's glassy, void-like eyes stared up at the heavens, devoid of any emotion.

Her ≫ Fairy Tail FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora