Chapter 15: Final Plan

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"You stopped caring. So I stopped trying."

- Anonymous

When Lucy got back from her little trip, she was bombarded with questions. Or was about to be. Seeing the semi-frightened/worried/angry expression on her face, they decided letting her rest and asking what had happened in the morning would be the best route. And so, they all slept.


The next morning at breakfast, the girls pounced on Lucy with the questions that she had left unanswered -- not that she had been asked, courtesy of her caring friends, but they still wanted answers -- and the blonde was more than happy to -- one, relieve herself of the stress of keeping it to herself and two, have someone to share it with.

As she recounted the events of the past day, the expressions of her friends faces changed from happy, to angry, to proud, and to practically every emotion in between. Nevertheless, when Lucy finished, a sign could be heard. And the most random question that could have been possibly asked at that tension-filled, anxious moment was asked.

"What are the moonstone necklaces and the moonstone headdress for?" Levy inquired. Always energetic to learn; well, old habits die hard.

At her friend's sudden question, Lucy was left dumbstruck. For a second. Or maybe five. Ehh, I could say ten... probably fifteen seconds max? Anyways, when she quickly scoured her mind for any ideas that she might have had for the use of the jewelry she had purchased, the blonde came up empty-handed. She shook her head.

"None yet, I guess. It just felt important to me, and I felt like it was going to be important in the future..."

Though unsatisfied with her answer, the bluenette let the topic to rest. She could interrogate Lucy later, but first they had to-

"Girls, what are you -- we -- going to do in the future?" Her thoughts were interrupted by Mavis posing the question that could -- would -- change their lives. Whether for better or for worse, that was up to fate. Well, her thoughts weren't exactly interrupted, since she (and unknowingly, the rest of her friends) had all been thinking the same thing.

"Um," Mira began hesitantly, but when the gazes for her friend's shifted to her, she continued, this time with more confidence. "We should go to our room first; we don't have to check out until 2 in the afternoon, right? We don't want to risk anyone overhearing, and...." She paused, not wanting to yell, but seeing no one else except them in the dining lounge, she did anyway. "Let's get down to work!"


A while later, the girls were ready with a plan. A very through one at that. Now, all they had to do was to put it it action.

Tomorrow was the start of Dragon Mating Season, and they had no time to waste.

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