Chapter 10: Feelings

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"But grief makes a monster out of us sometimes... and sometimes you do and say things to the people you love that you can't ever forgive yourself for."
- Melina Marchetta

After finishing their 'deaths', the girls met up once again.

"How did it go?" Mira asked, worried.

A chorus of 'it was great's and 'quite well's resounded around her. Then Lucy spoke up.

"Did any of you feel..... possessed, perhaps, when you were about to leave?"

Immediately all the heads snapped up.

"So it wasn't just me?"

"You too?!"

"It happened to all of us?"

"That's scary." Yukino declared, then paused. "Hey minna, what did it possess you to write? For me, it was 'again' and '- E.D."

The addressed people gasped. So all of them had been possessed to write '- E.D.'?

Levy's eyes widened. "Don't tell me... we were all possessed to write '- E.D.'?"

Nods were all that met her.

'Oh, whatever. We can deal with the meaning of that later. First, we need a place to stay!" Kagura shouted a little too energetically, earning glares from the few people walking around. "Hmph. Their problem for walking around so late."

Lucy smiled, and attempted to soothe her frustrated friend. "Now, now, let's get to a hotel first and we can talk it out there!"

"Lu-chan, is it safe here? We don't want to risk anyone finding us, right? 'Cause we're supposed to be 'dead', it would be awkward to bump into someone we know." Levy intercepted, worried.

While the blonde pondered, Mira answered in her place. "I think we're far enough. After all, we're just staying for the night..." she trailed off uncertain, but then continued. "...and we're leaving tomorrow morning, right? We can discuss the details at our hotel."

"Sounds like a plan! Let's go!" Yukino cried, but then stopped. "Uhh... which hotel are we going to be staying at?"

The girls thought for a second, and it was Kagura who came up with a steady resolution. "We don't have that many jewels, so we should stay in a cheap hotel. Here, let me see," she opened her lacrima phone. "What about Blooming Lotus? It's cheap; only 200 jewels per night for a room with two beds and a couch bed, plus the photos don't look that terrible either. Oh! And for breakfast, it's 20 jewels per person. So, if we were gonna stay here for a night and leave tomorrow, it would be 300 jewels total. Pretty cheap, if you ask me."

The idea was greeted by a round of nods, and they headed towards the hotel across the street.

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