Chapter 5: The Reason

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"Words cut deeper than knifes. Knifes can be pulled out, but words are embedded in our souls."
- Anonymous

As the small old man sat hunched over in his office, the papers in front of him held tears stains from tears full of agony, disgust, anger, and pain. Stains from his tears. Master Makarov of the number one guild in all of Fiore, Fairy Tail, was grieving -- alone, might I add -- over the loss of three of his precious children. His never ending torrent of tears made his age much more evident -- or should I say, it made him seem a lot older. Lucy, Levy, and Mira had just left his office, leaving a trail of misery, sadness, pain, a slight touch of hope -- and a grievous Makarov -- in their wake. He would remember them, no matter if they returned of not, forever -- as they were three shining stars in the sky, lighting the path of their -- now former -- guild. Another fat, emotion-filled tear rolled down his wrinkled cheek as he thought about their conversation just before they left.


"Master?" He heard Lucy's voice softly calling out to him form the other side of the oak door to his office. He might have been... aging..... but his ears were as good as ever, as he detected a slight tone of hidden sadness underneath what he could also tell as fake enthusiasm.

"Yes, Lucy? What is that you need?" He called out, never once tearing his eyes away from the monstrous stacks of paperwork from the council about the numerous amount of buildings -- and towns, forest, lakes, everything -- that his guild had either burnt down, destroyed, frozen over -- and practically every other kind of disaster you could think of -- in the last month. He hadn't been paying much attention to the guild itself, other than the occasional scolding or party, so he wasn't quite sure what might have had happened to make Lucy so sad.

The door creaked open, then the sound of quiet shuffling could be heard while yells and hoots where decorating the background -- as usually on Fairy Tail -- and then the door was quietly shut. When Makarov finally managed to turn away from his papers and face Lucy, he found that she wasn't alone. Levy and Mira were there. Though that their conditions seemed to be much worse than Lucy's on the outside, Makarov knew them well enough to see that Lucy was just staying strong of the sake of her friends, and it wasn't that she wasn't feeling any pain at all either. Seeing their tear-streaked faces shocked Makarov for a moment before he quickly recovered for their sake.

"M-My dear children, Lucy, Levy, Mira, what brings you here?" he desperately tried to keep the worry and fear away from his voice, but a little bit still slipped through.

Lucy spoke, for she seemed to be the only one capable, since Levy and Mira had, once again, crystal tears sliding down their cheeks.

"F-For..... for the past three months, we've been ignored completely by the guild. They've acted as if we didn't exist, as if we were simply thin air. They've also told us that we should just leave the guild since the three of us were just pathetic, useless, weak excuses for Fairy Tail mages." She swallowed nervously, and Makarov raged internally at the news that his guild, Fairy Tail, a guild that protected and loved their nakama like family, would do such a thing. "A-A-And as you know, Levy, Mira and I....." the blonde-hair mage looked away, blushing, and he smiled, knowing part of what she was going to say. They were in love with three certain dragons slayers. He nodded, gesturing for her to continue. "Their comments were the worst. Laxus and Natsu said that they regretted ever bringing Mira and I to Fairy Tail, Natsu said that I've always been just a replacement for Lisanna all along, Gajeel told Levy that she was just a tool that he used to get the guild to like his, and that she was unfit to be even mere friends with him, and Laxus told Mira that she was a monster and that he'd never love a monster like her." She stopped abruptly, obviously uncomfortable with continuing on the topic any further.

Meanwhile, Makarov took this slight silence to slowly absorb what Lucy had said. He couldn't believe his ears. Natsu, Gajeel, and Laxus had said WHAT?!? He was utterly disgusted by their repulsive actions. Mira and Levy, though previously crying, by now had stopped, and Levy bravely continued where her friend had left off. No, now it was wrong to call them just "friends". Through their unnoticed suffering, the three had evidently bonded so much more that the most appropriate word to describe them now would be "sisters".

"J-J-J-Just n-now, w-when we returned from the library, we s-saw t-them.....b-b-being a-affectionate with.... with o-other g-girls." She finished shakily, tears running down her face, but quickly added, "W-W-We k-know t-that we don't have any right t-to b-be j-j-jealous.... but w-we c-can't help it...." Mira then spoke up, fresh tears running down her pale face once again at the painful reminder. Lucy, on the other hand, still was trying to hold ack her tears and not cry, since she knew she had to be there for her friends, tears could wait until later.

"B-B-B-B-But t-t-the p-p-p-part t-that h-hurt us the m-most w-was w-w-what t-they s-s-s-said....." She trailed, not wanting to recount the heart breaking memory, but nevertheless, restated the exact words that Laxus had said to Cana about her to Makarov, who was awaiting the news the horror.

"H-H-H-He s-s-said....."

"I hate her."

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