Ex-03: Blood Bonded

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(General P.O.V)

4 Scientists scattered around their white lab as they tried to work on over 10 computers at once, all surrounding a tube full of a light purple liquid. Curtis bursts through the door and looks around as they continue to scurry.

Scientist 1: "Sir we are trying to keep the machine stable as long as possible but we need a sample to start working on."

Curtis scoffed at the scientist before approaching one of the machines that were set up next to the tube.

Curtis: "Ex-04 Transformer, is already complete and we are just needing this done and we will be prepared for our second attempt on Gokai Violet."

He began to push button and pull levers as symbols on the screen twisted to each. After a while two holes opened in the machine, one with an M over it and one with an F. He took out a syringe full of a thick red liquid and pushed it into the M hole, pushing the contents into the machine. The screen displaying "Durok Male sample received" and the liquid began circling the inside of the tube.

Scientist 3: "Sir, the machine is starting to stabilize but we still need a female DNA sample."

Curtis grinned as he reached into his other pocket and pulled out a darker red sample with a D written on it. The liquid was thicker than the previous stuff and moved slower in the syringe.

Scientist 3: "Sir what are you doing! You told us that we weren't meant to try this."

The scientist went to take the syringe but Curtis stopped him and pushed him back off.

Curtis: "Well I am doing it now and if you try and stop me again you can say hello to the front lines."

He pushed the syringe into the other hole and slowly pushed it in. The machine sputtered a little before displaying "Earth Female sample received". The liquid was pushed into the tube as the tube was slowly lifted from the floor and began spinning faster and faster.

It stopped suddenly to show that all the liquid in the tube had turned a milk white and slowly began to condense and solidify in the shape of a naked female. The scientists step back in amazement as Curtis puts a suitcase from beside him onto the desk and opened it to reveal a set of clothes. A black shirt, blue jeans, a Purple hoodie, a black bandana and an eyepatch.

Curtis: "The plan is coming along nicely. You guys will be seeing a nice bonus if this works."

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