Chapter 1: Hunter and Hunted

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A/N so heres the stick. I am a huge fanboy of more recent super sentai which got me interested in the older ones thanks to Gokaiger. But I can not describe anything well so to really enjoy this story you are going to need to atleast know the look of the suits and potentially most of the weapons. I will still try but If you wish to stop reading solely based on that i don't blame you but I would be greatful if you still gave it a try.

"So I have heard tell years ago of a great treasure said to appear to he who can gather all of the great power belonging to earth's greatest heros. It is said that a band of space pirates obtained it, yet decided not to keep it. Perhaps if I were to obtain the legendary hero's power it shall re-appear before me." My name is Jets of the galactic bounty hunter patrol squad F, though I am also known by some as the greatest solo pirate to have sailed the sky. Being a pirate and a hunter has its gains, the patrol squad sent me after after the pirate Geno, who happens to be me, so whilst I go about doing my pirate duties I am also being paid by the hour.

"That is indeed a posibility sir, will you be testing the new changer?" Though I am a solo pirate, my ship has an AI installed into it. It is a mark five arial assult ship, a fossil at this point but my squad refuses to let upgrade to a mark six or even a seven once the plans are finished. I do leave him behind whenever I go pirating though.

"Well M-Five I will but I don't expect to be able to force them into giving me their power. I only own my key, nothing more. I shall take it but it will just sort of be there." I put a black and purple glove over my right hand, there was a keyhole on the back of it.

"Sir we are currently over our first location, King and Amy of the Kyoryugers." M-Five began to close in and land on top of a skyscraper in roughly the center of the town below.

"Only two of them then? This won't take too long i'll be back before you know it." I opened the door on the left side of the ship and exited.

I stared down the side of the building. "Why did it choose the highest building in the damn city?" I took a hook connected to rope from my belt and attached it to the roofs edge. I hung from the side and began to slowly lower myself. Why is it so tedious to climb I wonder, many people quite enjoy it however, to me it seems- oh lord I'm out of rope.

I was only a fraction of the way down the building and my belt had no more rope to put out. Dangling their I think of the reason I am in this mess. "This is one fine predicament you got me into now lousy ship." I tap on a red ring I am wearing on my left hand and it gave a small blue flash. "M-Five remind me to download you better logical blueprints when I return."

M-Five's voice came from the ring. "Sir, though I am programmed to obey your requests I must remind you that you are not permitted by the company to upgrade me in any way."

"...M-Five remind me to downgrade your obediance levels when I return."

"Of course sir."

I tapped the ring again and it flashed red. "Digital dunce!" I turned my head to look down at the streets down below, filled with people and vehicles. "Well if I squint my eyes it sort of looks like one of those paintings they do on the floor back on Durok except this one is actually dangerous." I looked back and forth between the street and the rope. A small shimmer came from a black box attached to the far left of my belt as the sun's rays hit upon it. "Of course! Time for a test run." With my right hand I smashed on top of the box and the front of it spun to reveal a figure. It had purple boots and jacket with a black body suit underneath it. It also had a purple helmet with a black veiwing space on the front and a skull and cross blades logo on the forhead. I pulled it out of the box with my left hand and held both hand out in front of me. I pushed a small button on the side of the figure and the bottom half of it flipped up turning the whole thing into a key with the same logo on the front of it. I pushed it into the keyhole. "Henshin!" I turned it and a bright purple light enveloped me for a split second where after it subsided I was dressed head to toe as the figure had been. However due to the change, my belt and by extension the rope where gone.

I began to fall backwards. "Crap!" I turned my body so I landed on my feet, cracking the ground upon impact. "Gonna feel that tomorrow."

Many people gathered around me on the pavement and where talking to eachother.
"A Gokaiger, falling from the sky?"
"I don't remember a seventh one, do you?"
"It does look quite nice in purple."
"Can we go now?"

I groaned and brought out a flintlock pistol from my jacket and began shooting it into the air above me. All those who were around began to scream and run except from a man and a women who turned the corner coming towards me.

"You two are great heroes I guess?" I snapped my fingers and I was returned to my original state of hoodie, shirt and jeans. My bright violet hair blowing once again in the city wind. "Hey you two... Those forms are boiling aren't they?"

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