Chapter 12: Tragedy In Sruth

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Eris and I manouvered through crowds of people in the streets of the city. She had insisted on going out to look at the shop fronts of Earth and I came along so she wouldn't sell off most of my gems. I had given her one jewel so we could get enough coin for her to buy dresses. I swear though, if it wasn't for her meeting me then she would still be stuck in those oil covered dungarees. Truly I have never understood a womans desire to wear "good looking" clothes, if anything clothes are just glorified decorations for the body and you make them look good. That's how I feel about my clothes anyway, my hair and body make red and blue look amazing. I looked up to see Eris and Mer, Decade, of all people staring at me.

"How nice to see you Mer. How are you keeping?" I really don't care but from what I am told that's custom to ask here.

"Not well, we have a situation in the Sruth canyon. It's the bounty hunters, they set up a forward base there and they seem to be preparing an attack." She spoke frantically and turned. "We need to get there as fast as possible, another Rider is there and scoping out the situation." She began to sprint in the direction she was facing.

Me and Eris shot each other a look and followed her, only barely keeping up until we reached A set of large mountain where we lost track of her. "Where do these people get there energy?" Eris panted looking at me for my answer, to which I only shrugged my shoulder. We climbed the mountain slowly, struggling up the large rocks and looked down into an open area, filled with bounty hunter robots walking around in groups of ten, lined up in fives patrolling the area.

"By the gods... she was right, there are hundreds of them here." I scanned the area and saw a single scientist dropping more and more cubes that formed into more robots. "Eris look." I nudged her and pointed to him. "It's one of Curtas' private scientists." On the other side of the canyon I made out three people, one of them being Mer but the other two being strangers to me.

Eris screamed beside me as the cliff beneath her crumbled and she fell with it, sliding down the mountain face atop the rock she fell with, all the robots turned to face her and began flooding the mountain with bullets. "Holy shit! Eris!" I leapt down and landed on the rock with her as it slid, pulling my blade out and using it to deflect bullets heading in our direction.

"Jets what the hell are you doing?" She pulled her blade out and began doing the same. "You are crazy!"

"I have no idea why I did that and I think you are wrong!" The rock hit the floor of the canyon and the robots began to surround us. "Why the hell does this crap always happen to me?" Mer and the two stranger sprinted through a gap in the robots to join us.

"Well so much for a sneak attack, looks like we are going to have to do this the old fashioned way." She turned her belt and held up a card with a picture of kamen Rider Decade on it.

"Old fashioned, I've only been doing this for about two weeks." Me and Eris held up Gokai Violet and Gokai Black. The two strangers moved their jackets to the side and held up a USB drive, their belts had two USB ports each.

Mer pushed the card into the slot and held onto the sides.
-Kamen Form Ride-
She pushed the sides in and the card was turned sideways.
sillhouettes of many figures flew around her and came together turning her into a colourless version of decade before slabs flew into the mask, segmenting it before a flush of red filled the suit.

"Behold, this passing through Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Decade two!"

Me and Eris threw our arms out, mine to the side and hers straight up. "Gokai change!" We both yelled that before turning the keys into our gloves, 'X's and 'V's flying out. Me and her jumped into the air as they returned and hit us, changing our bodies into the forms of Gokai Violet and Gokai Black.

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