Deadly dance

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Two figures, clad in purple, blade and pistol in hand, stared eachother down from opposite sides of the vast black void, the first spoke.

"I do not see why you wish to use force when it would appear they are willing to assist us." He spoke with such grace and it echoed throughout the space around him.

The second one replies. "You do not see the bigger picture, if we are to gain all of their power we must create our own!" He yelled his every word and yet the same words did not echo back.

"But surely you must see some flaws in attempting to destroying their greatest heros. we came here for the treasure, not to cause trouble."

"Look at the bigger picture, we need to get all of their powers and if we get them against us the others will come and look for us, saving us the trouble!"

"Alternatively we could attempt to create an agreement, perhaps we have something that could be beneficial to them. We do not need to attract unnecessary attention."

"You really are pathetic, not to mention stupid! We already tried your peaceful method and they challenged us to a fight! Step aside I am taking over.

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