Chapter 6: Luck Of The Draw

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After I made a quick change to my attire, me switching back into a pair of torn jeans, a purple shirt and a purple hoodie, I left M-Five and stood on top of home roof staring over the edge. Yes... I did name the place my ship decided to land, what of it. Anyway, looking over the edge of the roof got thoughts growing and moving through my mind. I haven't really been here long but thinking back only a short two days ago to me dangling half way down this skyscraper makes me realise how much of an idiot I was that day. I mean I was so quick just to use my powers when in actuality it would probably have been easier just to climb back up the rope instead of-

"So sir are we ready to go?" I turned expecting to see the oil smothered dungarees but instead saw Eris wearing a long black dress and a belt over the top of it to hold her box.

"I am gonna fully ignore the fact that you probably bought that using my blue rubies that you stole before, I am also gonna ignore that you probably left me unconscious so that you could go shopping, thanks for that your a great friend." I turned and began to slowly walk towards the door leading down to the stairs. "If anything should happen to me today I would prefer it if you stayed out of it, just stay to the side unless i ask for your help.

"Sir I am afraid I am going to have to deny that request." Oh so now she is mocking the way I speak to her. "I will try to help you the moment there is any sign of danger." She walked past me and held the door open. "I believe on Durok we say, may the weak lead on." She gestured her hand in front of the door to say she wanted me to walk through first.

"You know what Eris? I hate you more and more every time you open that mouth of yours, and I keep telling you I am not in any way your superior. I am a solo pirate, remember that will you." I grabbed her lightly by the shoulder and pushed her through the door ahead of me.

"Oh sir come on now how can you hate me?" We began walking down the infinite staircase, yes I named that too just, shut up okay these stairs are painful.

"It's a lot less hate you it's more I hate how I am stuck with you because you can be smart in certain situations. You have forced me to have to keep you on my ship, Even my boss knows your with me now so I can't just leave you somewhere, congratulations."

"That was a little bit of a harsh way to put it but I think that was an attempt at a compliment." She stopped halfway down the steps and put her hand back making me do the same.

"What is it Eris?" I walked past her and looked down where she had stopped to look. I Felt a wierd mix of power, very faintly I could tell there was something strong there. But as I looked closer, what I saw was a single playing card. I bent down and lifted it from the floor. The power was clear to me now. I observed the card.

At first it does just seem like your average joker playing card, the one you use if other cards are missing. But looking closer at the front there seemed to be a human boy as the picture. The boy was dressed entirely in white clothing with a single red rose sitting in a pocket on the left of his chest. I felt a strange mix of emotionally power all in this one card. Anger, determination and hope, but also fear and sorrow. At each corner of the card was a different suit, each in a different colour with a different letter beside them. At the top left was a red spade with an 'A' beside it, usually used to represent an ace. The top right had a blue diamond with a 'J', the jack of diamonds. The bottom left was a pink heart with a 'Q', the queen of hearts. And the bottom right was a green clover with the letter 'K', of coarse the king of clovers. The emotions seemed to change pattern at each corner but they were all still there, except looking at the kid, there was no positive emotion to him at all. I couldn't tell why because no matter how you look at it, this was the joker, and that is all it is, a card.

"You can feel it to, can't you? That card as bland as it looks is so powerful, it feels more powerful than the Kyoryugers keys." Eris hung over my shoulder trying to get a better look at it.

It was true, I had even felt the Kyoryugers power before they had been turned into keys when i grabbed the beast batteries, and this was stronger. We could sence this power before we had even touched it. I guess you may need some slight explanation. You see, we Durokians have the ability to sence emotional and physical strength of an object by holding onto it, and yes, until now I have always had to hold it. "Yes Eris I can, this one card has so much power, and yet me holding it now it isn't turning into a key like the battaries did.

"Excuse us but could I please have my joker back?" A small voice spoke from lower down the staircase. Me and Eris looked away from the card and down a gap inbetween the spiraling stairs. It went all the way down and at the bottom I could just make out a young boy staring back up at me.

"So this card is yours?" I held the card over the gap. "Hang on kid we will be down with it soon I just have a few questions to ask you about it." I turned to Eris. "In fact it's the same question I still need to ask you."

"It will take too long for you to get down here, I am just gonna come up instead." The kid yelled cupping his hands round his mouth like a loudspeaker.

"Kid I am sure that is not how logic works on any planet but sure we can wait up here." Stupid brat, how the hell can he coming up be faster than us going down?

Without a warning the kid leapt. He jumped straight through the gap in the middle all the way up. He snatched the card from me and landed a few steps down from me and Eris.

Me and Eris gawked at the child as he slipped the card into his pocket. "You wanted to ask me something?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Who... what are you? You just flew! What kind of technology do you have in your shoes?" I scanned my eyes up and down the kid. White trousers, white jacket... a red rose in the pocket... this kid was the cards joker. "Y-you're..."

"It's funny you should mention that, you see i'm a cyborg designed after-" me and Eris took a quick look at eachother then back to him.

"What the heck is a cyborg?" we spoke out in unison. The kid double taked at the question and looking around himself.

"Well... it's where a human is combined with technology. Infusing them with metal limbs or organs and such."

"You can do that, why havent we done that yet?" I turned and saw Eris extatic with ideas and questions circling her head. A small ray of light from the open door making her eyes glisten. "Sir can I go back to M-Five, I have some plans I want to make blueprints for... also may I borrow your communication ring?" She ran up a few step, giddy like a child on their birthday.

"I don't see why not, also you don't need to ask me to go away. I am always happy for you to leave me alone." I took off my ring and tossed it up to her. She caught it and almost immediately had dissapeared up to the roof. Out of sight and out of mind. "Okay, now care to tell me why there is so much power coming from a joker playing card?"

He looked down slightly then back up to me. "I guess I could explain. I am a sentai replacement. You see, I am J.A.K.Q dengikatai's Big one. The original has passed and I was adapted and built in his place. However all the power from the original has been put into this card so it wouldn't dissapear. I haven't found out how to use it."

"So, do you know if the grand power is in the card?"

"I heard what happened with the kyoryuger." I flinched back. "I know what it is you are wanting to do with the power and treasure... you need this much more than we do now." He held the card out towards me.

"Th..thank you Big one." I took the card off of him slowly with both hands, feeling all the power once more. "I am sorry for your loss and I promise to use the power for what's the greater good."

"I know you will, new warrior... I know you will." A small tear trickled from his right eye. "You aren't a bad person." He started walking down the stairs. His footsteps echoing through the stairwell.

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