Chapter 10: Heavy Revealation

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I awoke, lying across the floor of M-Five. I had surrendered my bed to Eris while I thought long and hard about my situation. I stood slowly and cracked the air out of my back. "Eris, you awake yet?" I walked to the door and opened it to see a neatly set up and empty bedroom. Shutting the door again I turned to the screen. "M-Five online please."

"Sir" The screen jumped to life with a large face composed of squares. I fell back and landed ass first against the floor, a seat immediately springing up and raising me. "This upgrade was provided by the lady Eris, she has made me feel completely refreshed and has sped me up significantly, I am practically a Mark six ship with these upgrades."

"Great so the Bounty hunter association is going to have my ass for unauthorized upgrading of you." A cup of Earth tea was raised up on a table beside me. "Even that sort of crap will make them ready a knife for me." I lifted the cup to my lip and gently drank.

"Eris has went out for a walk after a visitor came looking for you. They have left to Talk about the reason but didn't tell me anything of it." The squared face shrunk into the corner of the screen and the pirate database was brought up. "Here are your numbers today sir."

I took a breath moment to look up from my cup... "There is no way those are my numbers open the file"

Accompanied with a picture of Gokai Violet the article read. 'For associating with rebellious terrorists from another planet the bounty of Geno has been raised drastically, as such we as the Bounty hunters association will be making him a top priority aswell as hope of destroying the terrorist threat once and for all. Rank 21, Stars 751, Bounty 382,980 Kred.

"Terrorists!?" I flung my cup harshly to the side, smashing it against the table and scattering shards along the floor. " dare they." Red flashes rushed through my eyes as I read the words over and over. "Get Alexa on the phone... I want her on the phone right now M-Five now hurry the hell up!" The face turned to that of surprise and vanished before the note of a video call being made to Alexa appeared.

"What is it Jets, make it snappy. I have a lot of work to get to." She didn't even lift her head up from her sheets to look at me.

"Since you don't seem to care and would rather keep your pathetic job as some bitch behind a counter who counts up bounty and just hands out work to the rest of us, I am sure this won't affect you. Now put me through to curtis so you can get back to throwing away your life on paper." My blood was boiling. She took a quick glance at me then pushed a button which changed my call line. A man with black hair tied into a pony tail looked back at me, his tuxedo annoying me for every little detail on it, picture perfect and perfectly pompous.

"I am Curtis, Head of the hunters elite. What can I help you wi-" He looked at me sat in my seat dressed in jeans and a shirt. "Who do you think you are Jets, calling me looking like that, not a single piece of equipment on you is within our boundaries of uniform!?"

"Not important, care to tell me why Geno's numbers have been pushed through the roof?" I panted to regain some composure, my body swayed slightly in the chair.

"There is nothing to explain. He was seen with terrorist rebels and for that he is seen as a potential thret to our civilisation. He also attacked two of your co-workers and killed them on the planet Earth so his numbers have been adjusted to suit two cases of resisting arrest, two cases of assualt, two cases of galactic murder, two cases of body destruction and one case of potential universal threat." I closed my eyes and grunted, slowly lowering my voice to a growl. "We have had to deal with those terrorists before and it resulted in millions of Kred in debt."

I pointed straight at the screen."And what exactly is it that you did then!? These warrior only fight for the good of their planet and as such you have to have provocked them by threatening the Earth."

He sat back in his own chair slowly. "I don't have to tell you anything Jets. You are a lower class subject in our organisation and as such you are not obliged to such information." I stood from my chair slowly.

"The rules you set are completely irrelevant sir but if that is what you want to beleive the knowlege regulations of hunting state that any Durokian association that works in bounty hunting cannot hold back information regarding a hunt. Right now you aren't giving me info on how to deal with Geno." We glared at eachother for some amount of time, I wasn't keeping track. "For that I can fine you the bounty amount and I know fine well that wont look good in your account book."

"Fine!" He snapped, slamming his massive hand against the desk. "We were testing robots down on the surface of the planet Earth, these machines could manipulate human emotion into anything we like, changing it or morphing its form. Those Terrorists destroyed them all without a second thought."

"You bastards messed with the humans on this planet aithout permission!?" He opened his mouth to speak to interupt. "Don't even bother. I can't believe I listened to your rotten organisation as long as I did, You caused all thiss crap!"

"What the hell do you mean by that Jets." He stood up and got close to the camera.

"You started a war on another planet, erased heros and completely screwed over the entire planet... not only that, but... You prevented me from acheiving the greatest treasure in the universe by destroying the source!" My head shook in anger. He slowly sat back, his eyes widened as his mind put pieces together.

"Y-You're..." He couldn't even choke the words out his pathetic mouth.

"Go on you bastard! Who is Jets to you. A low class unit of your agency. A no one who could be replaced immediately upon death. A guy who could never cause any issue in your business. Well here is some news for you!" I stood and took out my Bounty hunter baton and snapped it in half looking at him the whole time as fear grew over his face. "You are as pathetic as you thought I was. You cant fight and even now you are cowering before me." I held out the badge of squadron F. "This is your agency, the bottom of your agency! When the bottom of a structure is removed." I threw the badge into the air and quickly drew my sword, perfectly slicing the badge into quarters. "The building comes crashing down..." I drew my pistol and fire into the badge before it fell from the air, completely obliterating it. "I am the greatest solo pirate ever to have sailed the sea and earth of Durok and to sail the skies of the universe!" I pulled out the Gokai Violet key. "Gokai change!" With a flash of Xs and Ys my body was formed in the suit. "Gokai Violet!" He shook in his chair, unable to look away. "Your worst nightmare and your business' number one target as of now, Geno the pirate."  I hung up the call and formed back down and panted intensly, slowly falling to my knees...

"Eris, I know your there.." Eris was stood at the door, I knew she had been for a while with our shining silver coated visitor. "Call Eyexa for me. The time has come for our families dream of abandoning Durok to finally come... she is expecting this, tell her I am sorry." I slowly rose back up and walked to my room, lying on the bed as tears rippled down my cheeks, bright and shining in the light.

Restoration (Old)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora