Bell knows I'm a witch in fact she's one too and that made our bond even stronger that was two years ago that I learned about being a witch and when I meet Bell. I can do other spells besides turn into animals but that's what I'm best at and I'm getting better at everything else.

We had been driving for a while now I'm not quite sure how long it's supposed to actually take to get there but I didn't care.

Me and Bell were singing at the top of our lungs to one of our favorite songs though we like the majority of songs it was so much fun Bell was driving, it was her turn and we were both dancing and singing.

A few more hours had passed and we were starting to get sleepy but we finally crossed the boarder.

"hey lets stop at a hotel and sleep we can drive some more tomorrow" Bell said.

I nodded in agreement.

We pull up to a cheep hotel for the night and collapsed onto the soft bouncy mattress we got one of the smallest rooms it was cheapest but only had one bed but I didn't mind and I don't think Bell did either as she didn't complain. Either that or she was too tired to complain and I felt the darkness consume me as I fall asleep.

Micheals P.O.V:

It's been two years since we lost the Luna and Ian has been slowing growing colder during that time. He even started killing any rouge that passes through I tried to stop him I got him to at least leave the women alone.

I remember the day he found out she had left he was heart broken.

"hey man you okay" I asked as Ian slowly entered the house with a dull eyes and a sad look

"she's gone" he whispered.

"what" I asked in disbelief.

"she's gone!" he yelled throwing his fist into the wall creating a hole. I looked down with my mouth open.

"she just moved here why would she leave here so soon" Ian made his way up the stairs.

I can tell he wasn't feeling it but he needs to pick his Beta, Gamma, and head warrior which could be anyone I mean I know it's going to be me, Jace or Tom but in which order that's the question. I decided to give him some time.

A few hours have passed when he came downstairs.

"contact every one of our allies we will find her" his voice low.

"I will but there is the matter of picking your Beta, Gamma..." he cut me off.

"Micheal how would you like to be my Beta" I nodded.

"I accept" he looked at me.

"appoint Jace gamma and Tom head warrior" I nodded again.

I went to the Beta office

"Jace Tom please come into the Beta's office" I mind linked those two.

After talking to them I started calling all our allies letting them know our future Luna had left the grounds and we didn't know where she was it took a bit to explain that she was unaware that she and Ian were mates and moved away with her father I explained that she was human and what she looked like and that we'd appreciate it if they could find her. We had a lot of allies in several states not all of them but what were the odds that she had moved to those states.

I chuckled too myself turns out those odds that were so low just happened to be against us no one had seen her.

Ian was becoming harsher and harsher he sent a group of wolves around to all his allies to do second and third rounds when they didn't find her he told them to check the human territories and not to come back until they found her.

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