A job opportunity

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Metallic red eyes stared out the window pane.

The bright gold sun beat down on the region of Hoenn. Rolling green hills stretched far into the horizon, further then the charmer could see. The grassy field was sprinkled with beautiful flowers of all sizes and shapes, creating a breathtaking scene.

Normally Ruby would appreciate this vision of fabulousness yet he was distracted. The charmer over and over glanced at the pokegear placed beside him. He was awaiting a call from White, owner of the BW Agency and one of his fellow pokedex holders.

As soon as White saw his pokemon, she had immediately asked (more like yelled) if Ruby's amazing pokemon could participate in a film she was making. Of course, Ruby replied yes. The contest conqueror was always looking for new opportunities to make his pokemon shine.

Sapphire wasn't very happy with this arrangement.

The barbarian had growled something about how Ruby was barely around anymore. The charmer was silently shocked when he heard this and proceeded to deny any possibility that the fact was true.

The truth? Ruby was scared. Scared that he was turning out to be like his dad, even though it wasn't Norman's fault he had missed most of Ruby's childhood. Scared that he was drifting away from his post in the conquerer trio. He didn't even go to Emerald's birthday this year because of the workload he was receiving. The charmer was also scared of disappointing his peers.

Ruby already knew Blue was fusterated with him for not completing his role in her shipping book. Something about franticshipping?

Gold was also aggravated with him, mostly because Blue was always constantly bothering him to help her with shipping schemes. "Man, why can't you and Sapphire just pair up!?" Gold groaned the last time Ruby saw him.

The charmer usually didn't hang around Gold anymore, mostly because of the death glares he was receiving. Honestly, Ruby thought that Gold was hanging out with Silver too much. The hatcher had started to pick up some of the exchanger's traits, including that life-threatening glare.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" The phone rang. Ruby picked it up and answered the call.

"Hello?" Ruby started.

"Hello! This is White from the BW Agency! Am I speaking with Ruby, the contest idol?"

"Yes, the one and only!" Ruby tried to force a cheery voice into the pokegear.

"Great! Hi Ruby, how you doing? Are you well?" White replied.

The rest of the conversation was a blur to Ruby. He managed to catch a few words here and there but he was unfocused. Thinking of a certain dexholder.

Whites final words jolted him back into reality. "Okay! So there has been a slight change in the schedule. You'll have to stay in Unova for longer than I expected-"

"How long?" The charmer interrupted.

"Oh, maybe three months?"

Ruby felt his pulse quicken. Three months? By then, Sapphire's birthday would have already long past when he came back.

A few minutes of silence passed.

"Ruby? Ruby is there a problem?" White's concerned voice echoed out of the phone.

Ruby ran his hands through his hair. What was he going to do? His pokemon rarely listened to other less experienced trainers so he couldn't just hand them over to White (no offence to White's capabilities.) Plus, what would he do without his pokemon? Quit contests for the time being? No way!

The fusterated charmer sighed and faced the window for insperation. Something caught his eye.

"Ruby, hey Ruby!"

Two beautiful flowers were planted right next to eachother, yet that's not what suprised him.

Their stems were intertwined.

"Ruby, are you okay? Hello?"

Two green stems twirled together, leaves sticking out at random places. The stems lead to the petals of the flowers. A shimmery blood red rose entangled with a shining sea blue violet. So neatly intertwined, it almost looked like one lovely, breathtaking purple flower.

Ruby smiled. Each one charming by itself, yet combined made a outwordly beauty.

"Ruby!? RUBY!?" White desperately screamed into the phone. Concern was obvious in her voice.

"Sorry White"

"You had me worried Ruby! So what's your answer?"

"Before that, White what's the name of your movie again?"

"H-huh? Oh! It's called.....

The rose and the violet."

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