The Death of Us..

Start from the beginning

"Pull away again and I will mark you as mine right now.. Understand?"

I nod sitting there as his filthy mouth is all over my neck.. I felt his hand on my knee begin to rise to my upper thigh.

                                                                        Dominick's P.O.V.

I feel so helpless.. I can't find her. My wolf is going crazy with anger, sadness, and anxiety. I feel like hell is boiling up inside of me waiting to burst out.. I can't be apart from her any longer, I must find her so I ca hold her, love her, and protect her. 

"ALPHA!! We found her!"


"We smelled Jasmine and had a few of our guys follow her to a secluded area that has gates around it. It must be where they are keeping her and hiding their entire pack!"

"Okay, Lets get all of our men and get them ready to move out NOW!"

I felt someone grab my shoulder and I look to see Ashton, "Dom, Its a trap. Why would they make a mistake like that?? Especially Jasmine and if anything they would of killed those that followed her instead of letting them report back to you. Think about it."

"Ashton, I know it is a trap but what am I supposed to do! They have Yvonne, I don't have a choice!"

"Lets come up with a plan first before we just jump into this trap"

"Fine. But by tomorrow we will be getting her!"

"Everyone please head to the meeting room.. "

I could feel myself getting more and more anxious as time passed by, "Thank you everyone for attending, we need a plan to attack Jack's pack. Let's start off with no one hurts any children or women. If any surrender please take them as captives. Please be aware that our Luna is being held hostage so she is our main priority. "

"Dom- I mean Alpha, I think we shouldn't head straight on but rather under ground through the tunnels so we can at least take them by surprise in that factor."

"I agree Alpha because they already know we are coming but them not knowing where we are coming from could be a huge upper hand considering our circumstances. Also, those tunnels lead right to their dungeon so the Luna can get rescued first." Rolando states with many nods from the rest of the pack following.

"Jack wouldn't keep Yvonne in the Dungeon but rather in his bed room which is the top floor." 

"Wait, Alpha you don't think Jack is trying to take our Luna do you?" I hear our ancestor burst out with many gasps after his statement.

"That is exactly what he is trying to do." I mutter slamming my hands on the desk in agony.

"We must get our Luna back this instant!!" Everyone yells.

"Everyone calm down! In order for us to rescue our Luna we must work together." I mutter ..

Rolando stands up, "Alpha, I will do everything I can to save our Luna.. Lets get everyone prepared to go through the tunnels."

I nod and excuse everyone, "All Women and Children please go to your safety shelters where the guards will be waiting. Please stay in these shelters until we are able to make it back or if not until one of our allies comes to deliver the message to you all." 

I felt a tug on my shirt and look down to see a little girl with two pig tails and a small pink dress on. She looked to be about 4 years old, "Alpha, I love you. Thank you for being good to me and my Daddy. I know Daddy has to go away to help you get our Luna back and I am not mad about it because I know you will protect my Daddy. Right?'

My Boss, My Alpha. (In progress)Where stories live. Discover now