Part 1

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There was something different in the air. Usually New York had a breeze that smelt of something familiar but tonight a still humid mist soaked into the earth and caused a haunting scene to the chaotic streets. Maybe to others it wasn't seen as negative but to Jennifer Lancaster it was all haunting. She watched as time square swarmed with people from around the world. All laughing and living their lives to the best. She could feel their world's spinning how they should but Jennifer's world stayed stagnant.

Every tourist that snapped pictures of buildings made her anxious. And every business man she saw glued to his phone made her nervous. That seemed to be the only thing she felt anymore.

The negatives.

Was there any positive in life anymore? People may think so but they are probably just blinded. Jennifer could distinguish fairytales from real life. Even if they were blinded by bliss they lived their life. And she was envious of their privilege.

Young ones taking to the streets for the hope to be rich and famous when people keep telling them it's a sham. Nothing about the famous life is good.

Turning away from her window Jennifer looked at the giant loft that she owned. It was white and pure unlike her beating heart.

Not a flick of dust sat on her furniture and not a single flower was misplaced. Unlike her brain.

Not even a personal picture of her family was framed for showing.

She of course loved her husband and son, but they lived their own lives that didn't involve her anymore.

Once the whole world acted like they needed her, but now not even her flesh and blood bothered to check in.

It was better that way, she would hate to think of taking up his time for something as unimportant as herself.

Walking over to her kitchen with her empty glass she looked at the shiny sink and sighed. There was no need to clean her crystal champagne glass tonight. She wouldn't see it there in the morning.

Walking towards her leather chair she sat down gracefully and pulled out a cigar that cost more than most people's mortgages. Tonight seemed better than any to enjoy the only thing her dad left her when he passed away.

Lighting the end she watched the smoke rise to the ceiling as she exhaled the stiff aroma. She had never liked smoking because of the after effects but she wouldn't be feeling any of those.

Staring straight ahead Jennifer remembered the experiences of obtaining each one of her shiny trophies that sat in a protected glass box. A jewelry line that she started at a mere 20 years old became one of those most successful businesses by a woman and was always praised for its reputation of experiencing new things!

A article hadn't been written about her business in a while.

To others it may just be a business but to Jennifer it was her name. "Jen's Gems."

And her name wasn't important anymore.

Nothing was.

All the people who once praised her went on to write about new things and more interesting people. That's how life goes.

She grew up to be rich, successful, married, and broken.

Everything people worked for she had, but it meant nothing to her.

Maybe she was sick, maybe she was just selfish, but if leaving earth meant not having to be in pain anymore than that's what she would do.

She didn't plan on the specifics and she didn't even plan on leaving a note. It was unnecessary to try and explain her actions.

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