T e n

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S h a k e s p e a r e a n
T r a g e d y

     AXEL AND LIAM gave him a reassuring pat on his shoulder. After he hung up harshly, he broke down and fell to the bench beside him. It hurt his friends when they saw him like that. Such a mess; broken, saddened and lonely. He managed to be lonely even when he was crowded with people that loved him.

He held the phone to his ear still, then dropped it to his side. In a hurry to cover his own embarrassing feelings, he coward away behind his hands. He held the, tightly to his face, moving them ever so lightly to speak.

"I'm such a fuck up, aren't I?" Dawson asked them, his face still in his hands defending himself from the hurtful world around him.

As friends, it's obligated that you should always tell the truth but in situations like these some feel like lying won't hurt them as much. But, Axel and Liam knew that it was time for Dawson to stop hiding behind the image he made prior to June to protect himself. They felt as though that telling the truth had to be done, whether that hurt him or not.

"I do think you fucked up, but that was two years ago, Dawson. Quit beating yourself up about it." Axel pipped up first.

Liam added on, "remember how at first we were so disappointed in you and ready to drop you for Juniper? But we didn't because we let you explain yourself. She fucked up, too. She just hasn't been given the opportunity to realize that yet."

Dawson looked up from the protection of his hands, seeing two people who truly cared for him. For a moment he thought. He thought about how true what they said really was; he thought about how it wasn't just his fault, nor was it just June's fault. Both of them ruined what they had by not listening to one another and confiding in each other about how they felt about everything. They lacked the communication—one of the most important keys to a successful relationship.

Liam then helped him up, bringing him in for a brief hug. "If you want it, go for it. Pursue what you love, bud. We're not going to stop you."

Axel brought him in for a 'bro-hug'. "Dude, we'll even help you, if you want. I can't promise I'll actually do any good since I know squat-shit about this stuff."

Dawson's eyes watered, and he began thinking of his Juniper and he was feeling all kinds of courage as he and his friends began planning how to win the opportunity to explain himself, in person, once and for all to his only love—the girl he simply can't live without any longer.

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