F i v e

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S h a k e s p e a r e a n
T r a g e d y

Tenth Grade

         IT WAS A topic we had yet to discuss together. The topic of what we were, to be precise. A topic I had been waiting to have with him for the longest time imaginable.

"Just come with me, please?" He begged. "Baby," He pouted. He knew exactly how to get to me. That face was and always would be my weak spot.

I acted like I was contemplating my decision, but he had me at that pout. "Hmm, let me think."

He hugged me, wrapping his arms around my waist lovingly. I could feel all of his warmth and my heart raced, although I was used to him by now he always made me feel so giddy. Everything we ever felt was always there no matter what. I was certainly comfortable with him and I trusted him, but I would always feel that flutter in my chest when we were near or when he would tell me he loved me.

"I won't leave your side for a second. Please?" He pulled back, and sat down on the rolling chair by my desk and left me on the end of my bed in front of him. He pouted again and I smiled, knowing my plan was working. If I kept denying him the simple things he'd give me that signature to-die-for pout.

He added, "we can leave whenever you want and go back to your place to watch movies or something."

It was certainly tempting. Be near him at a party with our entire towns teenager population basically and show each other off sounded like heaven. Being able to kiss him openly in front of people who would've never seen the day someone liked me back felt oddly satisfying. And on top of that I had the chance to spend the entire day with him.

"Sure, but you don't leave me side." I agreed and his smile was so indescribably wide. "I don't know anyone else there."

He sat up and pulled me into a deep kiss, and it was like our first kiss over again. It always was with him. He treated me just the same from when he was trying to get me after he finally managed to get me.

"I promise I won't leave you, baby. Just don't leave me then and we'll be fine." He smiled, and kissed me again.

We did end up going to the party, but it wasn't as we planned two hours in at ten o'clock at night. He had to use the washroom and I wasn't entirely comfortable waiting outside the washroom, let alone going into the washroom with him so I convinced him to let me wait outside and after that we'd leave to my place and cuddle up in my bed to watch movies together.

When he left to go up the crowded stairs for the washroom, he turned to me and pulled me in to shout in my ear over the loud music and screaming people. "Be safe though, please. I'll be out in a minute and I'll meet you outside."

Although he had drank a bit of alcohol, his grammar was still intact and his slurring was hidden almost professionally.

After twenty minutes alone—outside may I add, in the complete dark—I walked back into the party to find him. I pushed my way through crowds of people and asked around for the location of the washroom. Once I reached it, I was let down by the realization that the door to the washroom was wide open.

So I went back down to try to find him. Many thoughts were rushing through my mind like maybe he went to get a drink, or we passed each other and didn't notice. Maybe he was outside looking for me while I was inside looking for him. Maybe we're on each other's tails and just didn't know it yet.

It was like receiving a slap to the face when I saw him making out with a girl named Rosie. A bunch of familiar guys surrounded him. Teammates from both of his basketball and football team cheered around him, almost as if they were celebrating. I instantly took it that he never told them about me. He was kissing someone else and his guys were cheering, unbeknownst that I exist in Dawson's life. Anger boiled, and I stormed over to him. I pushed her off of him, and watched as his face held a scared expression.

"Baby, it's no-" He spoke loudly, his voice was raspy and shaking. His face held two expressions that were so easy to see. I saw sadness and fright. I knew he must've been sad because it had to end and frightened that I caught him in the midst of shoving his tongue down someone's throats that wasn't mine; his loyal girlfriend.

"No. Don't call me that." I cut him off.

The push he received via me was impressive to say the least, and I stormed out the front door. He followed hot on my tail though.

"June, wait. It's not what you think. I thought she was you and I was so drunk. I-" his mouth hung open after the slap I delivered successfully shut him up.

I wanted so badly to believe him, but I couldn't bring myself to. Over and over I kept seeing them kissing as I walked out. With each step I took they got closer and by the time I reached the sidewalk I remembered being in their faces as they kissed before I made sure they knew I was there. I couldn't get it out of my head. It was on repeat.

"Goodnight, Dawson Everette."

He held onto my hand and I looked at him. It was hard to miss the tears that were threatening to spill across his sweaty face. I wanted to kiss him bad. Just hug onto him tightly, leaving loving kisses all across his face to remind him how much he meant, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I couldn't hurt myself like that.

"June, stop. Let me explain, please." He begged. "Don't do this. You have to believe me."

I looked away from his eyes. The red in them, and the gloss covering them threatened my giving in point. I couldn't give in. I stayed silent.

"Baby, you know I love you. I'd never hurt you, trust me. Why don't you trust me?"

"How am I supposed to trust you when you just said you'd never hurt me when you already did?"

And that night I left him stunned, whilst he left my heart shattered.

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