S e v e n

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S h a k e s p e a r e a n
T r a g e d y

     "GOD, YOU'RE SUCH an asshole. You already know what."

He sighed, "well, June, I was never given a chance to talk. So, whose fault is that?"

Although that night two years ago I never actually did give him the chance to explain himself or try to persuade me, I still believe it wouldn't have made a difference. No excuse made it right.

All the famous excuses ranging from, "it was a mistake. It was the spur of the moment," to, "you never gave me the time of day. I felt alone and she was just there for me." None of it made anymore sense.

You know, after two years I expected this to have been over with. I never expected to have the wound of the whole debacle re-opened and operated on.

"You should know damn well why I never gave you a chance to talk. No excuse you would've said would've made a difference."

He was a different kid. Dawson was different from all the other boys and it was one of the reasons I fell in love with him so easily. In the tenth grade drugs weren't cool to do. He never did them and swore himself from ever doing them. He had impeccable manners, outstanding honesty and impressive kindness. He was raised well so far.

But after our occurrence, drugs became popular in the eleventh grade. He nose dove into the crowd and then began dressing different. Baggy clothes, all pitch black and expensive. He wore diamond earrings, having to have costed him hundreds per stud.

But deep down, he was still the honest and kind kid that he was two years prior.

"Of course it would've made a difference, June! Don't give me that shit!"

I said nothing, spurring him on to continue. "It sure as hell would've made a difference. I would've told you that when I went to the washroom it was to cry. I went in and I cried because I was reminded in a text about my moms upcoming funeral. She killed herself because my dad left. I was going to tell you after the party, but for obvious reasons I couldn't."

He took a deep breath, "so a few minutes later I stormed downstairs, drank more, got in a fight, then started looking for you. You always knew how to calm my anger."

I said nothing once more. My emotions began to go haywire.

"But I found her." He spat. His hatred for her ran strong still. The memories of the countless amounts of times he had to deal with her in the most annoying ways still aggravated him.

I remember vividly at school the following week, seeing Dawson reject Rosie in front of our entire English class. She had asked him multiple times already to give her a chance, but having just been broken up with and mending his broken heart, he declined on all occasions. She never gave up, though. The rejections only caused her to try harder to win him over. So one day, she made a huge deal in English class.

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