10 ⦻ Growing Familiar

Start from the beginning

"You never know!" Sally screeched, "what if Jeffy becomes nice to (Y/N)? What if it happens?"

"I don't expect him to be nice to me. Nor do I care," (y/n) scoffed, "there are many other people here besides him.

"Okay, how about Eyeless Jack?"

"...I think he hates me."

"But Jack is really nice..."

"Eh, we wouldn't get along."

"Aw," Sally sighed, "I think Jack is a really nice pasta and you should talk to him. He usually keeps to himself but if you can think of something he's interested in, he'll definitely talk with you...?"

"Me and EJ get on alright," Clockwork said, giving a shrug, "but he needs more 'friends'"

"I have a question, " (Y/N) asked, wanting to forget about Eyeless Jack and Jeff, "how's Zero?"

Both Sally and Clockwork looked at each other before looking back at (Y/N). "Zero? What about her? She's the coolest gal!" Clock exclaimed with a smile, "she's a really fun person to be around and really lights things up in the mansion. She can be a bit bossy and arrogant at times, but she's one pasta you gotta get along with."

"Fantastic..." (Y/N) sighed, looking down at the table. "What's wrong (Y/N)? Don't you like Zero?"

"The morning I came, me an' her were fighting after I tried to get away from her and Puppeteer; they thought they had to kill me. I think she hates me now."

"Is it just me, or do you think everyone hates you?" Clockwork furrowed her brows, "You can't assume we're all gonna hate you hon, just because you're new here doesn't mean you don't belong. You're one of us now-it's not like your some random outsider."

'That's kinda exactly what I am...' (Y/N) thought, but she slowly nodded her head and tried to smile a bit. She felt a bit alone and left out, despite all the mansion's inhabitants, and she really hoped that one day they would all at least accept her in some way.

"(Y/N)!" A voice that belonged to neither Clockwork or Sally called out, and (Y/N) quickly turned to where the voice came from; under the table. Suddenly a scrap of reddish black fur tumbled into (Y/N)'s hands and she jumped when the figure pressed itself against her body; it was a shaking Grinny Cat.

"That drooling hound Smile-Dog won't leave me alone! He'll only go away if you tell him to!" Grinny hissed, his fur standing on end. "Why me?" (Y/N) asked in confusion. Just then, another figure came out from under the table panting, this time it was Smile Dog.

"Stay back, Smile-Dung!" Grinny Cat yowled, and Smile looked up to see Grinny huddled in (Y/N)'s arm. Smile whined and lowered his head to the ground, then looked up with puppy eyes to (Y/N). "See! He'll only leave me alone if he sees me with you because you're new!" Grinny sighed, "so please watch out for me a bit."

"Fine," (Y/N) sighed, resting a hand on Grinny's back, "leave him alone, Smile."

Smile Dog whined again and backed away from them to disappear underneath the table again. Sally laughed and reached over to pet Grinny, a small grin on her face, "Smile Dog and Grinny Cat are another thing in the mansion, Smiles' always chasing Grinny and Grinny likes getting Smile in trouble. Somewhat like how LJ and Candy are."

"Don't compare me to those insidious clowns," Grinny hissed, his ears twitching, "id prefer to have my own reasons for disliking Smile-bag."

"It's because you're a cat and he's a dog, isn't it?" (Y/N) laughed.

"No! Not at all-! Well, at least that's not the main reason..."

"Sure cat...sure..."

"Tch! I don't have to deal with the likes of you! Away I go!" Grinny meowed, hopping off of (Y/N)'s lap and stalking off with his tail in the air. Before Grinny could even get a yard away from the table, Smile Dog came barking around the corner and the chase was on again.

"I don't get it...he just asked for my help and then all of a sudden he's too 'good' to 'deal' with me?" (Y/N) muttered, "He's a bit of a prick. Sometimes, we even call him Grumpy Cat when he's really ill-tempered," Clockwork snickers.

"Grumpy Cat," (Y/N) scoffed, nodding her head, "he sounds like one."

Just then, (Y/N) noticed in the corner of her eye a tall shadow crossing the floor and she turned to see Slenderman walking into dining room, his hands behind his back as usual. "Sir." (Y/N) exclaimed, getting up from her chair and standing straight as she faced him, just like she saw the other proxies do. To make things worse, the dumbass saluted.

The other pastas at the table glared at her sudden reaction to Slenderman's appearance and some began bursting out laughing. Slenderman faced her for a moment and tilted his head, "Is there something wrong, my proxy?"

"Uhhh...I was sitting here and not working. I don't know if you wanted me to train right away or not but I-"

The slender entity raised his palm, quickly cutting her off. "Quiet proxy, you were enjoying your time here getting to know the killers , weren't you? There's nothing wrong with that, there is always time for training later. Your job as a proxy may be important, but this is your home now as well, so it's vital you get to know your 'family'."

(Y/N) couldn't help being confused at Slendeman's reply. "I didn't think that's how you'd see things but ok. Cool. Sorry for overreacting..." She sighed, feeling embarrassed now. Slenderman only gave a slight laugh sound and turned away to head to his desired location.

"You acted like the queen of England just walked into the room...sit down and chill out, it was just Slendaddy," Clockwork said, pulling (Y/N) back down into her chair. "Did you really just call him that. He's the BOSS, Clockwork."

"He's your boss. But he's like a dad to the rest of us, even Toby. I bet you think he's only strict and all scary just because he acted intimidating when you first came and you're his proxy, but he can be real fun...especially when we mess with him."

"Geez I didn't know. I just guessed we all had to respect him or whatever or else we'd get killed or something."

"Slender would never do that to us! Although, some of his punishments are pretty severe when someone makes him really mad..."


"You have a lot to learn, (Y/N)," Sally giggled, hugging (Y/N)'s arm. "But don't worry, I'll teach you everything!"

"I appreciate it Sal. I know I probably sound really stupid and all, being this clueless."

Sally's eyes suddenly widened and she grasped (Y/N)'s arm tightly, "You called me Sal! You didn't say my full name, you called me Sal! That means you're getting used to me!"


Sally wrapped her arms around (Y/N) in a tight hug and smiled. "I'm really happy you're here with us (Y/N). We're going to be best friends..." she murmured, her voice soft and sweet.

(Y/N) smiled and hugged Sally back, her heart feeling warmed. "Thanks Sally...I really would like to be friends with you. You seem like an amazing kid."

"Thank you (Y/N)...and you know what that also means...?"

"What does it mean Sal?" (Y/N) grinned.

"It means, one day, me and you can go out and kill outsiders together! Wouldn't that be fun? Wouldn't it, (Y/N)? Wouldn't it???"

Alright all you fangirls getting your pitchforks and maces and other forms of assault just because Toby and ClockWork are a thing in this story. I need you to take a deep breath....

And kindly calm the fuck down. In the nicest way possible. I wrote this when I was younger and stupid and I mostly piled in every fanon stereotype in existence into this story. If it hurts you too much, I recommend dropping the book here. Otherwise, please continue if you wish and remember that this book is rather old, overly fandomized, and not really written in my style anymore. Thanks.

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