Chapter 25

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Taylor's POV

Since Hayley was let out of the hospital a couple of days ago, she had asked Jeremy to get her out of the house for a while, she's been stuck at home with her mom and is starting to get sick of it. He's dragged me along, to try and help with getting her memory back. This isn't something that Jeremy and I particularly like seeing, after spending so much time building friendships and relationships, let alone the whole album we had recorded with Hayley. To see that now it's all been ripped away from our reach, isn't the greatest. Things were just starting to get good for us all too. At least she remembers one of us, it could be a lot worse than where we are right now.

"Jerm!!" Hayley yelled excitedly when gathering herself in the front seat of his truck, wrapping her arms around his back for a quick hug.

"How you feeling today?" He asked politely, starting to drive the car down the street.

"A little better actually.. I'm starting to remember things about the band and the music. Still nothing on Taylor though, I feel terrible about that.." She sighed, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

Hayley hadn't taken any notice to see that I was in the car too. So I just stayed silent in the seat behind. Jeremy awkwardly cleared his throat as Hayley looked at herself in the mirror above her trying to fix her hair, like she always does. Even though it looks fine the majority of the time she's out.

"Oh my god." Hayley gasped, and I shot my eyes back up to her mirror. She laughed and held her hand over her heart, taking a deep breath in and out.

"I didn't even see you there." She chuckled, partially smiling at me.

"No it's fine." I spoke, Jeremy tapped my leg from his seat to show that he hoped I was alright.

Hayley turned her head over her shoulder to me and smiled. Boy did it seem like she remembered everything about me in that instant. The way she laughed and the way her eyes lit up. I was expecting her to tell me that she loved me, and I would say it in return right away and pull her into the back seat with me, to kiss her with everything I have. Only to have Hayley scream and laugh at my actions and everything would be perfect. It's taking every bone in my body to contain myself, and not freak her out too much when that's really all I want to do, to be how we used to be together. But with my luck that wasn't going to happen.

"Taylor!" Jeremy yelled, waving his hand in front of my face. Hayley had already gotten out of the car, and Jeremy was on his way out.

"We're here man." He chuckles.

"Oh, right." I quickly got out of the car and shut the door behind me, smoothing out the creases on my shirt with my hands. I must have zoned out again like I usually do.

"Do you always zone out like that?" Hayley giggled, bumping my shoulder with hers as she walked with her hands tucked inside her hoodie pockets.

"Yeah. I guess so. It's been a bad habit ever since my mom -" I stopped talking there, realizing that Hayley had probably forgotten about all of that too. Jeremy shared a glance with me and nodded.

"Your mom what?" She asked curiously, tilting her head like a cute puppy.

"Oh, my mom passed away." I sighed, pulling the sleeves of my sweater over my hands nervously.

Hayley bit down on her lip in a way that showed she wished she hadn't brought what she had up, but she stayed silent and so did Jeremy. "She loved you, actually. We used to visit her together and play songs for her all the time." I smiled and laughed to myself. Now that I'm going back over some of the moments Hayley and I have had together in my head, it's like I'm telling her the story of us. All our high and low times spent together.

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