Chapter 7

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I watched as Chad was holding Hayley up against the wall by the hem of her shirt.

"Taylor." A blurred voice came from in the background, but I just ignored it and continued to try and get closer to help Hayley. It was no use, each step I took I couldn't get any closer to them.

She was starting to cry while Chad had a smirk across his face as he whispered into her ear.

"Hayley!" I tried to yell out but it was no use, the both of them couldn't hear me. Things started to get worse when he tried to take Hayley's shirt off.

I closed my eyes tight and started screaming, and I collapsed to my knees on the ground.



I was woken to the feeling of hands gripped tightly onto my shoulders. I took a sharp breath in, and my eyes flew wide open immediately.

"It's okay. Y-You're okay." Hayley released her grip on me. I tried to rub my eyes so I could wake up, only just managing to catch Hayley worried expression.

I finally got my eyes to open and I wished I hadn't. Everything that I was dreaming about had actually happened. Hayley's eyes were tired and there was a dark black circle underneath her left eye. "Taylor it's okay."

I could feel tears starting to prick at my eyes. "I should have fucking saved you from him." She just sighed and stared down at her hands.

"He's older and bigger than the both of us, we didn't stand a chance against him."

Hayley's words made me start to cry harder, I couldn't control it. "I-I.." I don't even know why I'm crying. My eyes searched the room that I was in, it didn't look familiar to me, but I'm with Hayley so that's all that matters.

My breath hitched in my chest and I began to breathe heavier. I now know why, I'm having a panic attack. I haven't had one of these since the day I found out that my mom had a brain tumour.


Taylor's chest started to rise and fall quickly, I noticed that his breathing pattern had started to speed up, but I didn't think it was this bad.

What am I supposed to do? I don't know anything about anxiety issues. "I can't breathe." He finally spoke, which confirmed everything that I didn't want to happen.

"Chads not coming after us Taylor.. We're safe here." I tried to assure him, but it wasn't helping.

I locked my bottom lip underneath my teeth to try and think harder. I know that Jeremy isn't an asthmatic so I couldn't get anything medication wise that might help.

Then one thing came to mind. I took Taylor in my arms and tried to hug him tight. His breathing started to slow, and so did his heart rate. I felt a smile form on my face, knowing that I'm helping.

I pulled back a little from him, keeping my face close to his, I stared into Taylor's brown eyes, studying them closely in detail. He looked confused, as sweat travelled down the sides of his face.

Next thing I know I was starting to lean in towards him, I tilted my head a little so I could get better access to his lips, and avoid colliding our noses together.

I rested my forehead against his, the both of us still staying silent. Taylor's hand moved to mine, as he grasped our hands together and laced his fingers around mine. I then finished leaning in towards him, and our lips crashed into each other's. Taylor's full lips carved against mine while I rushed my hands to the back of his neck, tugging lightly at his curls.

Taylor hungrily extended the space between his lips so he could swiftly get his tongue to be against mine. I didn't mind, none of us had the right mind to stop right now. After everything that has happened these past few days, this moment of confusion has made up for it.

Taylor then pulled the rest of my body to be on top of his, forcing me to grind into him. I felt a crooked smile part our lips briefly before they joined again. It took me until now to realise what I was actually doing. I pulled away from Taylor slowly and sat up next to him on the couch.

"We just.." He managed to get out, the same puzzled expression on his face as before.

"Goodnight Taylor." I said before gathering myself up to
go back to my couch across from his. My body ached from as I stepped quietly across the floorboards of Jeremy's house. The aching pain from Chads own hands beating against me. Even when I start to think about it, I just want to start crying, but I can't do that right now.

I can't do that to myself or to Taylor, I can't do that after leaving him there alone. I know that it was hurting him when I did, because the main thing he needs right now is company from somebody, and I just ripped that away from him.

I didn't bother to turn back though, because that too would probably make me want to cry. I got underneath my covers and faced away from Taylor, trying to keep myself from him the best that I could. I could still hear him, shuffling about on his couch. He let out a deep sigh and then spoke.

"Goodnight, Hayley.."

We left the night at that, both staying silent in the early hour of the night we were both awake in. Around 3am at least. The silence was somehow soothing, although it was a weird moment between us, this silence wasn't the sound of Taylor being yelled at. It wasn't the sound of the obnoxious kids at our school.

And it wasn't the sound of the people at those parties. The sound was an escape for the meantime, and it wasn't awkward because Taylor was probably thinking the same things as I am right now. We didn't know what we were doing, right?



A/N: I'm going to add a better chapter tomorrow, sorry that this one is so short. it's late, I'm tired and I'm currently writing this on my phone. so I'll make a longer and better one tomorrow. Love y'all <3

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