Chapter 11

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Taylors POV

"The isoceles triangle always has two equal sides." Mr. Kohlman pointed to the board with his laser.

My math teacher is probably one of the strictest teachers I have, and to add that I'm most likely failing his class along with others. It's not a great feeling.

Hayley is seated next to me at her desk, holding her chin on the palm of her hand in a bored manner. I wouldn't be surprised if she suddenly started to fall asleep.

I carefully started to slide my foot along the ground and tapped her foot to get her attention.

With that Hayley turned her head and narrowed her eyes at me, sending an evil glare across. I did the same back, scrunching up my nose at her. She then laughed under her breath quietly at the idiots we were being.

"Excuse me, Miss Williams? Are we interrupting the two of you here?" He asked impatiently as he exchanged glances between us.

"No. Sorry sir." Hayleys cheeks went a bright red when the whole class turned around to look at us.

"Okay, care to tell me about these two angles of the isoceles triangle?" Mr Kohlman fixed his glasses back up to the top of his nose impatiently.

I've never really liked him. He enjoys picking on people and singling them out in front of everybody, which can be embarrassing. Hayley struggled to come up with an answer, so I interrupted.

"They're equal and the last one adds up to make 180 degrees." I blurted out.

"Thank you Miss Williams."

The class filled with laughter at his comment.

"Any time."

Hayley leaned over to playfully hit my shoulder once Mr Kohlman turned around, making it hard for me to keep a serious face.

I don't even know how we make it through classes at school when we're in the same room as each other. We get distracted eighty percent of the time just by looking at one another.

She carefully wrote a message in her book and showed it to me when nobody was looking.

It reads "You're dead." in black bold letters. Hayley held the smirk that was placed on her lips.


Hayleys POV

"So since we got this album stuff pretty much sorted now. Do you guys want to enter this battle of the bands contest?" Jeremy asked with his eyebrows raised, showing us the flyer for the competition.

I quickly snatched it out of his hands, Taylor and I both reading as fast as we could.

"This is rad. We have to do this." I said a little too loud in excitement.

Taylor and Jeremy both laughed and shook their heads, me acting like a little kid as per usual.

I took a sip out of my iced tea and offered to share some of my chips with the guys, while we sat at our lunch table.

Taylor happily took a couple and put them in his mouth. As he was chewing he then opened his mouth with a cheesy grin, showing all of the food inside. Jeremy and I both groaned in unison.

"Come on, T." Jeremy whined.

I thought about hitting Taylor on the shoulder, but reconsidered it. He's probably gone home with slap marks all over his arms just from me.

I took one arm of Taylor's zip hoodie off, exposing the skin there. "You right there Hayles?" Taylor asked, him confused.

"Yeah. Just checking for battle scars." I said sarcastically.

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