Chapter 8

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"Rise and shine sleepy heads!!" Jeremy's booming voice rebounded across the walls of the living room, a bright flash of light soon followed after when he tugged the curtains open.

"It's still early!" Hayley groaned out and pulled her blanket over her face, blocking the light from her eyes.

"Actually it's almost two in the afternoon, I let you guys sleep in seeing as we all had a pretty eventful night last night." He replied.

It didn't take me as long as it usually did for me to wake up, I'm already almost done with packing up my bed from the couch. It was the least I could do since Jeremy let us crash here for the night.

"What did you two get up to before going to sleep last ni-?"

"Nothing." Hayley sharply interrupted, and looked over at me. "Right Taylor?" She asked with a serious look on her face and I nodded in return. I don't know if this is how she's going to act just while Jeremy is around, or if she's mad at me.

"I literally fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow." I lied.

"You guys are lucky my parents didn't come home last night, they probably would've booted you out!" Jeremy joked along with us. For some reason we always have weird luck with being the only ones in the house when something bad has happened, or we're just lucky that nobody comes to check on us.

I lost interest of what Jeremy was saying after his voice began to grow softer when he went into the kitchen. My eyes were still fixed on Hayley. "Hayley what about last ni-"

"I don't know what you're talking about Taylor." She shook her head in disbelief.

"What do you mean you don't know Hayley? Y-You kissed me when I was having a panic attack." I said quietly so Jeremy wouldn't hear.

"No I didn't." Hayley replied reassuringly, she looked sort of sad too but mostly just tired. Her dull green eyes moved away from mine once she walked away to follow Jeremy.

"Do you need some help Jerm?" She asked, and didn't have any hesitations about leaving me standing here alone.

The rest of the afternoon was our first band practice together as a group. It sure was going to take some getting used to for the three of us. Some of our guitar parts were out of time and Hayley forgot words to the songs we were learning.

The worst part was that she tried to ignore me as much as she could during the whole thing, the only time she talked to me was when Jeremy would bring something up. I don't know what hurt more, the fact that Hayley is pretending like nothing happened or that she's now completely ignoring me.

I also would have gone home sooner but I had to wait for my dad to come and get me from Jeremy's, and I felt a sense of relief once he got here. It meant that I could get some alone time, away from Hayley. It's the best thing I could do for myself right now, because all I kept seeing in my head during practice was the reoccurring visions of us kissing and Chad hurting Hayley, and it sends chills up and down my spine.

So now that I'm home, I pulled out my phone to check my instagram. I follow mostly bands that I like, especially MeWithoutYou. I scrolled down the list of photos, and found one from Hayley earlier today. It was a picture of her and Chad, the description read "spending time with this boy" with a smiley face next to it.

I threw my phone across my room and onto my bed in anger, I was lucky that it didn't miss. I wanted to scream, instead I punched my dresser out of frustration. I hurried downstairs and into the kitchen, making my way towards the fridge. I opened it and searched for what I came down here for. Alcohol. I grabbed the bottle of vodka that was sitting at the back of the fridge, and took it with me back up into my room.

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