Chapter 15

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Hayleys POV

I woke up to the bright morning sun peeling through the thin curtains of Taylor's bedroom. I lay here comfortably, the exact same way as I was when I fell asleep. My head on top of Taylors torso and his arm draped over me, where I could honestly stay forever if I had the chance. I listen to his steady heart beat while his chest rises and falls slowly, his soft breaths also following with that. I forgot I'm still wearing his clothes too. One of Taylors hoodies and a pair of his boxers to be precise, which are actually surprisingly comfy despite how rediculous I may look in them.

"You're staring at me aren't you?" He asked in his husky sleepy voice which pulled me out of my thoughts. "Maybe." I shortly admitted with a giggle. Taylor took the spare pillow from next to him and placed it between us as an obstacle, so I now can't see him. I pushed it down through the new gap in the middle of us, but Taylors strength proved to still be stronger than mine, him pushing it back up. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and let out a brief sigh at his actions.

I zoned out for a few minutes as I stared at the ceiling. All I did was think, which I do quite often. I don't really know what I was thinking about either. Most likely a mixture of Taylor, Chad and my father. But it's best if I don't think about that for too long, otherwise my emotions get the best of me. And I think I've cried enough over the past couple weeks.

"You okay?" Taylor mumbled, I could see him peeking over the pillow with one of his eyes squinted open. "Yeah just thinking." I explained and Taylor nodded. I turned my head to him again with a smile on my face, and a smirk suppressed upon his lips in response. "It's too early." He whined, taking the pillow in his hands and hiding his head underneath it. God he is adorable when he's sleepy. I then looked over to Taylors bedside table, where the clock stated otherwise. "Actually it's nearly eleven thirty." I laughed.

"Oh really now?" He questioned with his eyebrows raised. Taylor's eyes then shot open and he did the last thing I expected him too. In one swift motion Taylor picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed out in shock, and he laughed along with me. "Shh. My dad's still here." He whispered under his laughs, and set me back down onto the floor.

Taylor carried my down the stairs with me on his back and my legs through the gaps of his arms and waist. The rest of the morning I spent at Taylors had dragged on slowly. He made some pancakes for the both of us, which we had to eat in his room. Otherwise his dad would have seen us, and the fact that I was in Taylors clothes wouldn't have made a very good impression for him. Not that we have even done anything that intimate yet, apart from kissing.

Taylor offered to drive me home like he does every time and I gladly accepted. The drive home was full of the view of rain spitting down onto Taylors windshield, as the wipers fought it away swiftly. It's almost summer here now, but it still rains every now and then. And I love it, the sound of rain is so soothing.

When Taylor locked the handbrake of his car, we both saw someone parked in the street right opposite my house. I felt my heart sink at the possibility of who it could be. But it was just Jeremy.
I picked up the plastic bag I had that held my prom dress and other items inside, and stopped Taylor from getting out by tapping his shoulder.

"A-Are we starting this fighting thing now?" I asked.

Taylor nodded with a sigh. "I'll follow your lead." He winked and quickly kissed me on the lips. He then got out of the car to walk around and open the door for me.

That was when I thought to myself. No. If we're making this convincing, we're going to do it right.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and jumped out of the car. Taylor froze and a look of confusion took over him. "I can't even let you open the door for me!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air. I started storming away from him, making my way towards my house. "Hayley. I'll call you?" He asked with a pleading voice.

"No don't call me. I don't have anything to say to you Taylor!" I explained loudly. Taylor groaned and slammed his car door shut loudly out of anger and drove off through the rain, out of sight. I feel terrible for even pretending to fight with him. But we need to make this look real.

"Hayles? Is everything alright?" Jeremy asked with a puzzled face. He stood up from being seated at the steps to my house. "Save it Jeremy. It's not you okay, I've just had a long day. I'm fine." I pulled him into a hug to make sure he wouldn't assume I'm mad at him. "Are you sure?" He insists. "Not really." I lied.

"Well call me if you need to talk about anything? I'm here for you." Jeremy spoke, walking backwards towards his car. "Thanks." I breathed out and turned to let myself inside.

My mom immediately looked over from the couch after I walked in through the hallway, disappointment being her main feature. "Do I even want to know?"

"It's not what you think. I didn't have any clothes to change into." I reassured her. She already knows that I spent the night at Taylor's house. I told her that we wanted to leave the prom early because we were getting bored. Half of that was true, for the most part. But we surely weren't bored.

"Go upstairs and take a shower." My mom requested, walking into the kitchen with her phone in her hand.

So I ran up the stairs to my room quickly, skipping a step each time without fall over. I then practically barged through the bathroom door and began to strip down, turning the hot water on and rushing into the shower.

I flinched to the heat at first, to then add some cold water. I let the warm water spiral down me, and made scribbles out of the steam that was now appearing on the shower screen. I stayed in the shower for a good five minutes, seeing as I haven't had one in a couple days. It felt refreshing to finally be clean, and rid of some of the bad feelings that I have. It truly did feel like some of the pain washed down the drain along with the water. But the guilt of lying is still here with me.

I got dressed into a fresh pair of leggings and a t-shirt. I decided to let my hair dry naturally for today, because I'm too lazy.

My phone then began to buzz next to me. I smiled after seeing Taylors name, along with a picture of the two of us pulling silly faces on the screen.

"Do you think it worked?" Taylor spoke and I could tell he was smiling through his voice. "We're great actors." I giggled.

Taylor paused. "None of it was real Hayley. Remember that." He made sure I understood, worry still seeming to fill his voice. A yawn that I have been trying to get out finally escaped me.

"I know. I think I need a nap, talk later?" I asked. I really can't be bothered speaking to anybody right now, I just want to sleep. "Sure. Love you, See you tomorrow."

"Bye. Love you too."

Another update for this week! :-) Sorry if it was rushed.

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