Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey y'all just a heads up for this chapter. I ran short for ideas in it but I promise the next one will be better :) Hope you enjoy this for now anyway. Thank you for the reads, comments and votes. I appreciate every single one. <3


Taylors POV

"So, uh.. Thank you everybody for coming. I know mom would have appreciated every single one of you being here, and just by the number of people that are here today, you can see how special she really was."

I paused, letting a tear fall silently down my cheek as I tried to straighten up my tie. I looked out into the audience to see Hayley sitting up the front, smiling and also in tears.

"I-I don't really know what else to say. If you'd all like to take a moment of silence with me for her please." I breathed out, trying to let this sink in. I took my hands and placed them together, closing my eyes.

All I could hear was the sound of shuffling feet and runny noses in the crowd. Despite playing in front of a few crowds before, this has got to be one of the most nerve wracking things that I have ever done. After enough time had passed for everybody to say a quick prayer or two, I finally spoke.

"Amen." I whispered to myself as I kissed the silver cross necklace that my parents had given to me when I was younger and moved quietly back to my seat.

The rest of the service went quite well honestly. People had some really nice things to say. There were funny stories, and sad moments and it was even better than I thought it would be. There was also a slideshow of pictures for her. Having Hayley right by me the whole entire time made me feel secure too.

We hadn't really seen each other since my mom passed and that was now a week and a half ago. Today was the first time we properly got to see each other in person, apart from speaking on video chat and on the phone. Having friends that can pull you apart from family drama at times like these is what I really do need, and I'm lucky to have Jeremy and Kat as well.


Hayleys POV

I took Taylors hand into mine, snapping him out of his thoughts as we sat in his room on the edge of his bed. We've been sitting like this for about twenty minutes, just keeping each other company.

"Hayley?" He said still looking forward into an empty space.

"Yeah?" I replied, interlocking my fingers with his.

"Is it bad if I don't know where this should be going right now?" Taylors lips stayed straight, holding the blank expression on his face. He pulled his eyebrows together in confusion.

"By that you mean us, right?" I asked turning towards him, and still getting no real response.

Taylor just nodded slightly to answer me.

"No it's not bad." I said warmly. Tayor has every right to be unsure, being in the vulnerable state that he is in right now.

"You know that the only way for things to get better with something like this, is for them to get better with time. No one can tell you how to feel or how to get better, because that may not be right for you. I understand if you just need a friend right now." I blurred out, the last bit did hurt me a little when I said it.

In response I found Taylor kissing my temple and sighing afterwards.

"You did great today by the way. I'm so proud of you." I rested my head against Taylors shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me.

His talk that he had today at the funeral was really good. He held everything together the best that he could even in front of his family and some of his moms closest friends. Afterwards Taylor and his brother Justin had previously organised a lunch for the guests to come to in celebration of the day, with the help from their dad of course. Overall the day had a great vibe, everyone had a stage that they were either crying, lauging or both at the same time. Which is just what you want during a day like this.

Careful (A Tayley Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora