Chapter 20

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Taylor's POV

My alarm clock buzzes loudly and rings in my ears with the mornings radio talk show, as I'm blinded by the harsh sunlight peaking through my curtains. I honestly don't know why I haven't changed it to something I can stand listening to. I guess because it gives me a reason to wake up, to stop myself from suffering when listening to that techno nonsense.

I stretch out to hit my clock to try and shut it up, but miserably fail when I roll too far out of my bed and land roughly onto the ground.

"Ow?" I whine to myself, squinting my eyes so I can now stop the annoying voices that are too happy for any time of the day.

Laying on the floor of my room turned out to be a lot more comfortable when I easily almost start falling asleep here. But I can't, I have to get up otherwise I'll never want to leave. I use my arms to force myself to my feet and stand up, taking a hand through my hair and yawning out. I couldn't even be bothered to dress myself properly, going down the stairs in just my boxers.

The smell of fresh morning coffee gets stronger and stronger, the closer I get to the kitchen. Coffee time is now my favorite time of the morning.

"Morning." Justin speaks up, turning the page of the newspaper he is reading.

"Hi." I return.

I walk past Justin and over to the coffee machine, setting a mug underneath and starting the cappuccino program, while I can get my breakfast for the day. I begin to search through the pantry until I find a box of cereal and a bowl, placing them onto the counter and moving to the fridge next.

"Rough night?" Justin breaks the silence between us.

I stop and lower my eyebrows in confusion, taking the milk out of the fridge. "No, why do you ask?" I blandly question him.

"Oh nothing... It's just.. No it's nothing." Justin snickers quietly under his breath, quickly taking a sip of his own coffee to stop himself from laughing. There's something he isn't telling me.

I turn myself towards Justin to see my reflection in the oven glass, showing scratches located from my shoulders all across my back. "Shit." My jaw drops slightly at the sight, and I hear my brother snap a picture on his phone.

"This is priceless." Justin explains with watery eyes.

"No, you can't le-"

"I won't tell dad. Don't worry." He throws his hands up in defence and I let a sigh of relief out.

"You and Hayley?" He asks more seriously this time.

I drag my hand down from my eyes to my mouth at the fact I was so stupid to think nobody would notice. At least it was Justin, not my father. But there's no way for me to get out of this now.

"Yeah." I breathe.

"Finally!" Justin practically jumps out of his seat, walking over to me and patting my back a little harder than usual, just to keep teasing me about the scratches on my back when it brings me slight pain.

"My baby bro's growing up." He announces with a crooked smile as I bite down on my lip at the stinging.

"I'm definitely eating this in my room." I say after a short moment, rushing out of the kitchen with my coffee and cereal and not thinking twice about leaving Justin and the sound of him chuckling behind me.

Once I enter my room I stand in front of the mirror, taking a closer look to see I have love marks from Hayley left on my neck, as well as a faint bite mark on my shoulder. I can't stop myself from smirking as I grab my phone to call Hayley and tell her, while still crunching on the cereal in my mouth.

Soon enough after patiently waiting for a few rings, Hayley answers her phone.

"Hi you." I say with a smile from ear to ear, bringing my cellphone up to my ear.

I'm greeted by Hayley's soft laughter on the other side of the line. What more could I ask for? I catch myself joining her laughter.

"What's up?" She asks sleepily, probably still getting up at this rate. I reposition myself, resting my chin on my hand.

"I just had quite the eventful first ten minutes to my morning." I hum through the phone.

"What happened?" Hayley childishly giggles along after a short sarcastic gasp, itching to know what I'm about to tell her.

"Oh just the usual. I go to get my cereal and coffee, while Justin was in the kitchen.. One sec." I pause to shuffle around, closing my bedroom door.

I then continue. "Yeah. I was just chattin' to him.. and he asked me if I had a rough night?" I say slowly, as if that wouldn't make it sound as bad as it seems.

I immediately widened my eyes, regretting what I had said completely. "I'm listening.." Hayley smiles through her words, calming me down a little again.

"I may have accidentally gone down shirtless and he saw all of the scratches and love marks you left on me." I blurt quickly all at once, getting embarrassed and awkward along the way. This is the awkward Taylor that Hayley should be familiar with by now.

My cheeks instantly heat up and my eyes were still widely open. "Oh." I hear her pause, caught at not knowing what to say really. I chuckled at her reaction.

"He said he won't tell my dad, don't worry. Uh, What about you though? Did I make any, you know.." I trail off, returning back to my cereal.

"I already covered mine up with makeup this morning, I couldn't let my mom see it." She laughs.

"Aw.." I whine. "I thought you'd like my little marks on you." I make a pout across my lips.

"As much as I like them, I don't think I can explain to my mom that I've been bitten by some weird bug while campi-"

"I understand. At least that leaves only one of us being caught." I interrupt calmly.

"Yeah." Hayley laughs under her breath.

Soon silence crept up to the both of us while we sat on the line comfortably. I was still eating away at my cereal and drinking my coffee, while Hayley is probably about to spend her morning writing new song lyrics, like she said she would yesterday. I reached back to my back to itch it and when I felt the scratches underneath my fingertips, it brought the image of Hayley holding onto me for support again.

"Oh my god.." Hayley starts laughing uncontrollably out of nowhere, I know something unfortunate has happened. "Justin sent the picture of you to Jeremy and I, Taylor. I gotta go, Jerm's pestering me."

"What?! No, no, no. Oh god.." I close my eyes tight shut, and hope that this is all a dream and I'll just wake up from it all now.

"I love you Taylor." There she goes with those giggles yet again and god does it get to me. Each time I make Hayley laugh I just want her to laugh forever. If that was the last thing I could listen to, I'd be a happy man indeed.

"And just so you know, I would have done more that just taking a photo of you if I caught you shirtless in my kitchen." Hayley teases, this new confident side of her showing again.

"I'll get you back for this, later. Love you, Bye." I assure her, hanging up the phone before she does to let her know I won whatever game we were playing at.

I wondered to myself what she was going to do next. Confirm with Jeremy that what he's seen is true, most likely. I know he's not going to let this one slip by Hayley and I for a while. I sighed and shook my head to myself, taking my dirty dishes downstairs to be washed. This time I made sure to put a t-shirt on over myself, so I wouldn't be caught in that same awkward spot yet again.


idk if i like this chapter it dragged on a little. nooo.

if you haven't noticed im starting to run out of ideas for the story hahah. ill still try to make the next chapters better though :)

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