Part 27

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Mark raced into the hallway, only slowing down to turn the doorknob. He tried to shove it open, but it was locked. Mark's mother patted his arm to draw his attention, rushing out as she ran toward her room. "Oh! Hang on! I have the skeleton key in my room"! Mark waited patiently for her return, then took the key the second she was in reach. Unlocking the door, he tried to open it, but something was behind it. Cursing softly to himself, he decided to try shoving it open. However, before attempting to throw his weight into it, he called out for Jack. Somewhere in the room, Jack cried out in pain. It was enough to let Mark know that Jack wasn't directly behind the door. Only than did he throw his full weight into the door. Still it wouldn't open. Mark tried a few more times to no avail. Then resorted to kicking it in frustration. His mother tried to stop him from bruising himself further, by stating to him. "Stop before you hurt yourself"! 

Mark shook his head in refusal, continuing to kick at the door. Nico trotted into the hallway, asking Mark's mother curiously. "Is there another way in? Maybe a vent I can crawl through"? Mark stopped kicking to think. When his mom snapped her fingers, asking Mark curiously. "Did you close the window"? Mark shook his head, franticly snapping back. "No. I didn't even know it was open". His mother smirked, replying. "I opened it before you arrived to cool the room down. With all the boxes it gets really warm in there". Nico dashed to the end of the hallway, yelling back to them. "I'm on it! Wait here"! Mark's mother raised her hand, calling out to Nico. "Wait! The window is too high! Let me help"! Nico skidded to a halt, telling her quickly. "No! When I get the door open, you and Mark will need to get to him fast. I'll be fine". Nico let out a small sigh though, saying a bit reluctantly. "Besides... I can shift remember"?

Nico shifted, running for the backdoor. Sliding it open, he slipped out and raced down the porch. The window was high enough off the ground that even at his height it made it a bit of a stretch. Reaching up, he slipped his hand in and found a window screen. A frustrated hiss left Nico. He hated these fucking things. Placing a hand on the window sill, he shifted... and regretted it. The window sill was a narrow thing and it left him hanging above the ground. His back feet clawed at the siding to get a grip, but the side of the house was wet and slippery. Nico panted in slight panic. This hadn't gone as planned. Digging his claws into the window sill desperately... He swallowed his pride and called out loudly to his distaste. "CHICA! HELP ME"! Nico heard the jingle of a collar approaching and tried to hang on a bit longer. Chica trotted around the corner, panting lazily as she looked up at him with soft eyes.

As her tail began to wag and a doggish smile spread over her face, Nico shouted down bitterly. "Stop enjoying this and help me! I'm stuck"! Chica's tail stopped wagging and she walked to stand under him, making the distance to the ground less scary. Nico's ears fell back across his head, telling her a bit shortly. "I don't want to go down. I want to go up! You hear me! UP"! Chica looked up at him, than turned to face the wall. Without warning she jumped up to place her front paws on the wet wall siding, moving her head under his dangling hind feet.  Nico calmed down from his panicked state. He was able to stand on her head that was a relief. She even shifted closer to the wall, giving him a higher advantage. Reaching out, Nico slashed at the screen window until a large opening was made enough for him to squeeze in. Spring boarding off Chica's head, he jumped up enough to slip inside.

Nico hated to admit it... but he owed a debt to that mutt now. Leaping down to the floor, Nico shifted back into a human. He didn't see Jack at first, but found him laying on the floor writhing in agony. Staying focused, Nico yanked the wedged chair out of the way. He barely even opened the door, when Mark shoved himself inside, followed by his mother. Mark's mom patted Nico's shoulder as she passed, causing Nico to smile. Mark picked up Jack, laying him back across the bed at his mothers command. His mother placed pillows under Jack's lower back and behind his shoulders. Mark was breathless and felt so helpless as Jack started to scream. His mother was so calm though. She ordered Mark to fetch water and towels. While telling Nico to call Rosemary and find out how close she was to getting here. Mark fetched towels of all sizes, dipping a washcloth into some cold water to press against Jack's burning forehead.

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