Part 11

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Jack heard Asher move out of his chair and glanced over his shoulder. Asher extended a hand out to him, asking gently. "Are you alright, Mr. Mcloughlin"? Jack huffed sarcastically back. How was he expected to be alright after all this? Asher lowered his hand when Jack refused to take it, stating out neutral. "I'll give you some time to think this over. In the meantime, I'll schedule you for your appointment in eight weeks. Ok"? Jack nodded absently. He wasn't really listening. His mind was a shattered mess. The door closed as Asher left and Jack let himself sit on the cold floor. Huddling up in the corner of the room beside the trashcan, Jack hugged his knees to his chest. This was a nightmare. It had to be. All he could see was his life bursting into flames. 

His Youtube career would be over. He'd be the laughing stalk of Youtubers everywhere. He could see the headline of every news report, 'Youtuber Jacksepticeye not really a man'. Lowering his head onto his knees, Jack tried to calm himself down. There was still a sliver of hope that this was something else... but the doctor was pretty confident. The only thing that scared him more than being pregnant... How was he going to break this to Mark? He could always make the doctor do it, but this felt like something he had to do personally. Raising his head, he pressed his back to the cold wall, muttering out quietly to himself. "Oh, Sean... What are you going to do"? The door opened to reveal the same nurse that took his blood.

She gave him a warm smile, then cheerfully asked him with a small chuckle. "What are you doing over there? Did the doctor frighten you"? Jack tried to smirk, but he felt too unsettled to really put his heart into. So, he ended up dryly stating out numbly. "He told me I'm pregnant". The nurse snickered as she sat down at the computer, commenting without looking at him. "He's quite a jokester". Jack watched her type something on the computer, telling her seriously. "He wasn't joking". The nurse stopped typing, swiveling in the chair to face him as she asked curiously. "But you're male... That's not possible". Jack forced himself to stand up, using the wall as support as he bluntly stated out. "That is what I said". The nurse shrugged, telling him curiously. "Oh... I'm sorry. Were you once a woman"?

Jack glared back at her. He was already tired of this question. The nurse nervously turned back to the computer, changing the subject quickly. "I've scheduled you to come back in eight weeks. Is that correct"? Jack was so tired now that he just wanted to go home. He hated repeating himself over and over. Nodding, he grumbled out. "Can I go now"? The nurse finished typing and got up, answering. "Not yet. I've printed off the date and time for you. Once I give that to you, then you are free to go. If you want, you can wait in the waiting room for me"? Jack nodded. Anything to get out of this room and to some fresh air. The smell of cleaning chemicals was overwhelming him. The nurse opened the door, letting him out first and he staggered his way back to the waiting room.

Jack smiled for the first time today, when he spotted Mark in the waiting room. Mark was leaning over his knees in a chair, clenching and unclenching his hands. Mark was worried about him. Nothing made him feel happier than knowing Mark was here for him. Slowly moving up to him, Jack asked him playfully. "You waiting for someone, stranger"? Mark's head shot up, before he jumped to his feet to hug him. Jack felt his tension melt away as he nestled into Mark's strong arms. He wondered if he could sleep just like this. In Mark's arms. Mark kept him from drifting off though as he asked him really worried. "So? What did the doctor say"? Jack's fingers curled into Mark's shirt, but he told him nonchalantly. "Nothing to worry about. Just... It's just a side effect to my condition. I should be alright if I take it easy for a few days. He wants me to come back in a few weeks to be sure".

Jack didn't really lie, but he didn't want to break it to Mark here. He wanted Mark to get him out of here. Far away from here. Mark rubbed the back of Jack's neck, whispering to him sweetly. "After this, I'll take you straight home. Then it's off to bed with you". Jack chuckled, snuggling into Mark's warmth as he whispered back. "As long as you're there to keep me warm". Mark suddenly pulled away as a nurse approached them. The nurse smirked at Mark for a brief second, before handing off two papers to Jack, saying a little distracted. "One is your appointment and the other is a list of things you should avoid". Jack folded the papers, watching her eyes drift to Mark. As he looked over at Mark, he smirked a little. Mark wasn't even looking at her.

Mark reached up to rub his shoulder, asking curiously. "Is that all you needed"? Jack nodded and Mark quickly began to walk him outside. The smell of fresh air was so rejuvenating. Mark lead him to the car and Jack slipped inside. He knew he'd have to tell Mark, but how? Mark slipped into the driver seat, starting up the car as Jack continued to think of something. On the drive home, Jack began to pull his hands into his sleeves, forcing himself to ask Mark meekly. "Mark? Have you ever thought about having kids"? Mark snorted, keeping his eyes on the traffic, while answering casually. "Not really. My mother wants me too. I'm enjoying my job and have so much that I still want to do. Why? You thinking about having some"? Part of Jack jumped at the chance to tell him, but he shot it down to say timidly. "I don't know. It's just been on my mind lately".

Mark took a hand off the wheel to pat Jack's thigh, saying sweetly. "Doctor visits do that. You'll feel better when we get home". Jack let one of his hands rub over Mark's as he told him curiously. "Mark...You don't think I'm feminine... Do you"? Mark took his eyes off the road for a second to give him a concerned look, before snapping out. "Did that doctor do something to you, Jack"? Jack shook his head, staring out the window now as he replied calmly. "No. I was just curious about something". Mark's hand moved from Jack's thigh to brush his knuckles down his neck, asking him tenderly. "What's going on? Talk to me, Jack"? Jack shrugged. He wasn't sure he wanted to do this while Mark was driving. Mark lowered his hand to nudge Jack in the side lightly, saying semi-stern. "Jack, Tell me. It's obviously bothering you enough to bring it up".

Jack sighed heavily, refusing to look away from the window. He shouldn't have brought this up. Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, Jack muttered out in a low voice. "It's just a theory the doctor had about my sickness". Mark put his hand back on the steering wheel, his voice sounding interested as he said. "Alright. What did he say"? Jack took a deep breath. He'd just have to blurt it out and be done with it. Turning to look at Mark with a concerned but serious expression, he told him outright. "He thinks I'm pregnant, Mark". Mark jerked his head in his direction at the same time that a loud 'POW' came from the car. Mark quickly focused on pulling the car to the side of the road and clicking on the four way signal. After that, Mark leaned back in his seat in silence.

Jack waited anxiously, before Mark asked him unsettled. "Why would he say that to you? You should have told me. I would have done something about him! When we get home, I'm-". Jack cut him off by saying a bit louder. "Mark, I took a test! It came up positive and until the ultrasound they won't know for sure". Mark raised and eyebrow, staring at him with a weird look for a minute. Jack shrugged and when Mark didn't say anything, he asked aloud. "What"? Mark's eyes narrowed in on him, asking very suspiciously. "Let's say you are. Who's is it"? Jack blinked, put off by the question as he replied sharply. "Excuse me"? Mark crossed his arms, stating flatly. "I'm just asking. You don't have to be so touchy. I'm just curious if you know who the father is"?

Jack lost it for a split moment and lunged for Mark. Slamming Mark into the door repeatedly as he yelled out in frustration. "WHO DO YA THINK?! YA FUCKING MORON! DO YA THINK I FUCKED EVERY LAD FROM HERE TO IRELAND"! Mark tried to hold Jack at an arms length away as he jokingly stated out. "Well... I'm mean. You and Felix were kind of close for a-". Jack didn't let him finish, raising his hand to smack Mark across the face. It wasn't hard enough to really hurt him, but enough that he had turned his head.  As Mark stared out the window he began to chuckle nervously. Jack turned to see what he was laughing about and all the color drained from his face. A cop was standing just outside the window, giving them both a very concerned look. To Be Continued...         

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