Part 17

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Mark grabbed the back of Jack's chair to keep himself steady. He couldn't explain it, but the closer he was to Jack, the more he wanted him. He just smelled so good and the idea that a part of him was growing in Jack actually turned him on. It made his desire ravenous.  Jack put a hand on his chest like he was internally trying to decide to stop him from leaning too far into him. When his fingers trailed down lower and he suddenly swiped his arm across the table without breaking their kiss. Mark faintly heard the bowls clatter to the floor, but his main focus was on Jack.  Jack stood up, wrapping his arms around Mark's neck, his leg sliding up Mark's leg to his hip teasingly. Mark recognized this behavior. Jack wanted it just as badly as he did. So, hooking his hand under Jack's raised leg, Mark wrapped an arm around Jack's waist to lift him up onto the table. 

Jack positioned himself comfortably on the sturdy table, pulling Mark semi-over him. Mark grabbed Jack's hips, pulling him to the edge of the table and nipping at Jack's lower lip. At least, until Jack tilted his head back away from Mark's reach with a soft chuckle. A small growl left Mark's throat, but he just adjusted himself to kiss Jack's neck instead. Jack could be such a tease when he wanted to be. Jack laid back against the table, using his hands to claw at Mark's shoulders trying to coax him onto the table with him. Mark wasn't sure the table could hold both of them and didn't want to test it. So, he used the time to just work Jack up. Pushing Jack's loose sweater up his stomach, Mark started to kiss his exposed hips and along his stomach. Jack's nails dug into his shoulder in warning, but Mark ignored it.

He really didn't care if Jack gained a little weight. It meant nothing to him. Jack's legs rose up Mark's sides confirming that Jack was becoming uncomfortable with him this close to an area he was sensitive about. Mark backed off a bit to help calm him back down. Jack pushed his shirt back down quickly, refusing to look at him. Mark shook his head, his eyes drifting over to Chica. She was licking the contents of the bowls that had hit the floor. Mark was thankful they hadn't broken. Although, they still might with Chica putting her foot on them. Moving out from Jack's legs, Mark quickly picked up the bowls. Looking them over for cracks, he heard Jack nervously mumble out. "Mark...? I'm sorry. I just... I don't want you to see me like this...".

Mark turned to face him, showing him the bowls with a reassuring smirk. "Relax. I just don't want Chica breaking these. I can't afford to take both of you to the E.R.". Mark took the bowls to the sink with Chica following closely, trying to take them back. Jack shifted up on the table, asking curiously. "Really? You stopped for that? Mark... I love Chica too... but we were kind of in the middle of...". Mark put the bowls in the sink, turning to face Jack with a raised eyebrow, stating out calmly. "Jack... Don't do this to me again. You're over thinking this". Jack leaned forward, wrapping his arms around his stomach protectively as he mumbled out to the floor. "I can't help it... I can barely focus. You'd tell me if something was wrong, right? If I'm doing something wrong"?

Mark held his tongue from saying what he wanted to say. After all, anything he told Jack during this time would upset him. In the fragile mental state that Jack was in lately, he could make a storm out of light rain. There was just no way to tell him the truth about anything. Instead, Mark pushed away from the counter approaching him slowly, answering in a deep honey sweet voice. "Jack... If something was wrong, I'd tell you. Ok? Now can we finish this somewhere more comfortable for you"? Jack looked up from the floor confused. Mark took ahold of one of Jack's wrists and pried it away from his stomach as he pulled him off the table. Jack kept his eyes from meeting his and that irritated Mark a bit. Jack was always shy... but he was more self-conscious now. Afraid of him. Or more accurately what he was thinking of him.

Whenever Jack locked himself away in his head like this, it made it so hard to draw him back out. Lifting Jack's hand to his lips, he pressed his warm lips to the back of Jack's cool skin. Jack's eyes rose up from the floor to look up at him and Mark quickly moved in closer to kiss him. Jack's arms started to snake around his neck and Mark smiled. He had gotten him back for a moment. Lifting Jack up into his arms, he carried Jack back to the bedroom and laid him across the bed. Mark kissed Jack like there was nothing so desirable to him on this planet, than him. Jack was really responding to him, curling his fingers into his hair and coaxing him closer. Mark slid in over him, grinding his hips against Jack's and Jack let out a loud moan of pleasure. He couldn't believe how hard Jack was already.

He had read that the second trimester made woman really randy... but it surprised him to learn that Jack was going to be the same way. Mark positioned himself over Jack on all fours and Jack suddenly broke their kiss in a slight panic. Jack's hands shot up to stop him from laying down over him, shakily rushing out. "Wait! Mark... You're heavy"! Mark felt like Jack had stabbed him in the gut, but politely grumbled out. "Gee... Thanks". Jack bit his lower lip nervously replying. "No... That's not what I meant... It came out wrong. Mark, I just meant that...". Mark stared at Jack confused, until he saw Jack's eyes drift to his stomach. Then it dawned on him. Mark smirked, trying to lean over Jack again as he whispered honestly to him in a reassuring, but lusty voice. "It's ok. I read that as long as I'm not rough, or put you under any distress that it will be fine".

Jack's hands resisted against him still and even his legs locked at Mark's sides to keep him from laying over him, telling him quickly and clearly. "Mark! I'm in distress! Just please! Don't! I can't do it like this"! Mark straightened up on all fours, asking confused. "So... Do you want to do this or not? Cause you're sending me mixed signals right now". Jack punched Mark's chest lightly, snapping back. "Don't yell at me! I want to do it just as badly as you do, for fucks sake"! Mark sat back on his heels with a sigh and regretted it instantly. Jack fell into another crying fit, rolling onto his side and apologizing between gulps of air. Mark hung his head feeling emotionally whiplashed. He wasn't being mean or yelling... but Jack was so unstable that it was too easy to hurt him.

Mark licked his lips trying to think, before shifting back over him on all fours. Jack was burying his head in one of the pillows, trying to hide his face. So, Mark knew he had to pull out the big guns. Reaching out to his bedside table, he opened the drawer, while sweetly whispering against Jack's shoulder. "Jack...? If I share something with you, will you stop crying"? Jack's voice was a bit muffled from the pillow, but he was close enough to hear him mumble out. "I can't... You started this...". Mark kissed Jack's shoulder, before teasing back playfully. "Oh well... It's all mine then". Mark rolled off Jack onto his side of the bed, pulling the large chocolate chip cookie from his open bedside drawer. He didn't think this would work, but he had to try. Otherwise, Jack would cry for hours.

Unwrapping the cookie, he let the strong scent waft through the air for a second before taking a small bite. The cookie was soft and he was a bit reluctant to reveal it. Jack's cravings had eaten up most of the good sweets from his house. So, he had started secret stashes for himself. However, this was an emergency. Food seemed to calm Jack down from his foulest moods. He felt the bed shift behind him and smiled. Staring straight ahead at the mirror, he watched Jack rise up to peek over his shoulder with curious eyes of crystal blue. The moment his eyes spotted the cookie, he asked him in a soft innocent voice. "Where have you been hiding that"? Mark just shrugged, about to take another bite, when he noticed a hand on his wrist. Jack pulled at his wrist with a enough strength to strangle a rhino, then took a large carnivorous bite out of the cookie.

Mark tried to take another bite, but Jack climbed over him, trying to keep the cookie away from Mark's lips as he quickly chewed with a smirk on his face. Mark rolled onto his back, letting Jack straddle his hips and take the cookie from him. With the cookie in hand, Jack nibbled at it like a foraging squirrel, making Mark smile. Rubbing Jack's thighs lovingly, he told Jack happily. "Do you feel better, Jackaboy"? A small smile pulled at the corners of Jack's lips when he nodded. Mark reached up to brush away Jack's remaining tears with his thumbs, he told him in a warm tender voice. "What am I going to do with you"? Jack hiccupped and blushed, holding the bits of his cookie close to his chest. Mark shook his head with a light chuckle, sitting up to kiss Jack's damp cheek longingly. To Be Continued...     

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