Part 1

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Mark waited in the hotel lobby, starring through the front doors.  It had been a year since his relationship with Jack had started.  He owed so much to Rosemary for that day.  However, he hadn't seen her since that day.  He worried from time to time about the effects of love potion number 9, but he was so happy that he let it slip from his mind.  A taxi pulled up to the crib and Mark straightened up off the wall.  Jack stepped out of the car, paying the driver before he made his way into the building.  Mark slowly approached him and Jack dropped his bag to hug him tightly.  It was torture being away from Jack for so long.  He had missed Jack's smell and embrace.  Jack pulled away to sign into the hotel and check in with the Pax crew.  After which, Mark lead him to the elevator.  Despite trying to hide their relationship from fans and friends... It never stopped them from finding a way to be together. 

Exiting the elevator, Mark quickly lead Jack to his room.  Jack's room wasn't on this floor, but they had made excuses before about 'playing games together' and 'just hanging out'.  Slipping into the room, Mark let the door close on its own.  The moment it clicked shut, Mark approached Jack a little quickly.  Jack dropped his backpack, letting Mark pick him up and take him over to the bed.  Mark took his time with Jack.  Stripping him down layer by layer, savoring every touch and kiss.  He didn't want to rush through sex with Jack.  He wanted Jack to remember every detail of it.  Unlike their first time, when number 8 erased Jack's memory of it.  Mark loved feeling Jack pant heavily against his ear, loved to feel his fingernails drag down his arms.  Even the way Jack's legs tensed around his sides trying to pull him closer.  It all drove Mark crazy for him. 

When they had finished, Mark pulled Jack up against him.  Spooning with him as he drifted off to sleep.  Jack was jet lagged from plane, but Mark was wide awake.  He stroked and kissed Jack until he was sure Jack was deep asleep.  It was only then that Mark slipped out of bed to shower.  Standing under the rushing hot water, Mark sighed to himself.  Rosemary had given him Jack... but was it real?  Every time Mark tried to bring up the event at the church with Jack, he'd avoid the question.  There was something missing and it was nagging at him.  He wanted to just be happy with what he had.  To be grateful.  Yet, he couldn't help wondering if he had been tricked.  The more he thought about it the more worried it made him.  Mark shut off the water and glanced at the foggy mirror.  She had slipped Jack number 8... She had convinced him to use number 9 on him. 

She had left them, before he could find out the answer to everything she had done.  Why she had really done it.  He was looking for love... but why did she target Jack?  He stepped out of the shower and dried himself off.  Slipping into his pants, he began to dry his hair with the towel.  Stepping out into the room, he smiled to himself.  Jack was still sleeping.  Mark picked up the TV remote, turning the volume low and flicking through channels for something to watch.  When he heard something scuffle by the door.  Turning his head to look, he saw a pale letter slide in under the door.  Dropping the remote on a chair, Mark walked over to pick it up.  Turning it over in his hand, his eyes narrowed on it a bit worried.  The outside was blank.  Opening it cautiously, he read the letter softly.  "You and Jack are cordially invited to attend a Halloween Charity that is to be hosted at Rosemary's home & shop (The bubbling cauldron) at 5pm today. I hope to see you both there. Sincerely, Rosemary Saffron". 

Mark quickly opened the door to peek into the hallway.  Did she deliver this herself?  Was she here?  The hallway was empty.  Closing the door, he stared at the letter.  Should he attend?  It was an excuse to see her again and ask the questions he was dying to know.  Pax would be over for the day by then.  They could go.  Mark glanced at Jack with a worried expression.  He needed answers or he was always going to worry about Jack.  Rosemary was the only one who could calm his fears.  He'd just have to convince Jack to go. 

After Pax, Mark tried to convince Jack that they should go... But Jack was doing what he always did.  He was trying to avoid going.  Jack stood outside with him, mumbling out softly.  "Mark... Why is this so important to you? I get it. She slipped me something and it freaked you out. But I'm fine. You're fine. Can't we just put this whole thing behind us"?  Mark moved closer to let a man pass them on the sidewalk, before asking justly.  "Ok. You tell me what happened when the spell broke in that church and I'll let it go".  Jack rolled his eyes, stating casually.  "It wasn't a spell. She roofied me. When it wore off, I walked out and saw you. That is it".  Mark shook his head in disbelief, muttering out in a low voice.  "I don't believe that. I can feel it in my gut. There is more to it than that". 

Jack placed a hand on Mark's shoulder, telling him seriously.  "Why are you looking for something to be wrong"?  Mark shrugged, innocently stating back.  "I just don't want what this is to be fake. I have to be sure or it is going to drive me crazy. Please, Jack? Do this for me? I just need to know".  Jack sighed heavily, but nodded.  Mark hugged him tightly, before dragging him off to his car.  Mark checked his watch and started to drive toward her house.  The drive took a few hours and as they past by familiar places, Mark cringed.  The spot he had pulled off on the road reflected the memory of Jack trying to seduce him in his car.  The bar where he had slipped the potion into a drink and it was switched around on Jack.  Then the little house came into view.  A bunch of cars were parked all along the curb in front of the house, while music and laughter leaked out of every open door and window. 

As Mark stepped out of the car, a woman in a hooded purple cloak walked off the porch to greet them.  She pulled her hood back and Mark smiled warmly at her.  It was Rosemary.  She had been waiting for them to arrive.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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