“Are you okay?” he inquires. I nod weakly.

“I-I just get a little nervous about auditions. That’s all,” I stummble over my words. He send me a weak smile and takes my hand.

“I’m here. You’re going to do great,” he promises. I bite my lip and nod in terror. He pulls me to the formal glass french doors and open them for me. I mouth him thank you as I enter the room. I look around at the extragent walls, covered in a high-class grass wall paper and up scale art. Harry tightens his grip on my hand to regain my attention. I look to him and send him a thankful smile. He lets go and I stroll up to the front desk. I clear my throat and the receptionist looks up at me. Her bright blue eyes full of energy and her straight blonde hair is pulled back in a sleek pony tail.

“How may I help you?” her chirpy voice rings. Her positive tone, sends a relieveing feeling through my body.

“Um, I’m here to audition. Crystal Ivy,” I choke out. She looks down at her computer screen and nods. She looks up with a smile.

“Yep. Just in time. Down the hall, second left,” she explains pointing me the way.

“Thank you,” I turn to Harry and he walks to me.

“You will be great,” he says intertwining his fingers with mine. “You’re ready,” he assures. I nod nervously and he gives me a gentle kiss on my forehead. I pull away hesitantly and take a deep breath. I slowly walk over to the room and look back once at Harry. He gives me a warm smile and I nod. I gulp and enter the room. The team of casting directors sit at a long, white marble table. I knock on the glass door and instantly all eyes are on me. No matter how much I want to look down and shrink away, I keep my chin up to give off the illusion of confidence. I strut to them and hand them my reseme and head shot. They nod with poker faces. They stare at me, as if reading everything about me. Every flaw, fear, wish, hope. Anythign they could use against me.

“Get started with the scene,” the man to the far right instucts. He is wearing a pair of pleted khakis and a white button down that is tucked in. I stare into his cold hazel eyes and nod. I look down and take a deep breath. I take a moment to collect myself. I think of everything to feed off for this character. I remember my conflict with Zayn and Harry. I think of my envy I had for Rebecca and the jelously that boiled in my blood. I remember how much pain and misery I was in in the beginning. I look up my brown eyes filled with agony and confliction. I start off, and I find a new confidence with the first words out. The middle man read out the male lines blandly with monotone. Instead of feeding off his engery, I still munch on the memories I have. I put everything I have into this part and don’t hold back. Near the end I let tears roll down my face, and I can see that the directors are impressed. When I’m down I look down and exhale. Everyone in the room claps, and a few even stand. A smile lurks on my face as I look at the accepting faces.

“Spectacular!” one said. I whisper him a thank you and they smile at me.

“That was extrodinarry, Ms. Ivy. We’ll call you in a few days to tell you if you got the part or not. You should ber very pleased with yourself young lady,” another says proudly. My smile stretches from ear to ear and I nod thankfully. I exit the room while waving a wistful and excited goodbye. When I walk out of the hall way I can see Harry sitting down looking down at his phone. He looks up and when he sees me a goofy grin enters his face.

“How did you do?’ he inquires. I run to him and hug him tight. He squezes me hard and I rest my chin on his shoulder.

“I think they liked me,” I reply. He rubs my back and pulls away. He leads me out of the building and when we get outside he pins me against the wall. He leans in and I can feel his warm breath tingle on my neck.

“You are amazing,” he whispers in his husky, slow British accent. I smile and he presses his lips harshly on mine. I fall back into his arms and wrap my hands around his neck, pulling him even closer to me. I kiss back harder and I can feel his cheeky smirk growing on his face. “I love you,” he groans between kisses. I feel him nibble on my bottom lip and I open up allowing him to explore a new territory that I’ve kept hidden. He puts a hand on my hip pulling me even closer. I kiss him passionately. More passionate than ever before. I run a hand through his messy curls and grip them tight. I pull away, but he comes back hungry for more. I giggle as his lips continue to dance with mine. When he pulls away finally, I see him with a huge cheeky smile. “Your Romeo in that movie is going to be one lucky guy,” he whispers in my ear. I look into his deep green eyes ans smile weakly.

“You’re my Romeo,” I say while intertwining my fingers with his. He kisses my head gently and leads me to his car. And in that moment I feel infinite.

Crystal’s Audition Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/crystals_audition_outfit/set?id=53636185

Tell me what you think. Drama ahead. I know that this may be getting boring but I promise that I will make it interesting very soon! Thanks for reading! Love you guys!

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