Chapter 23: A question

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Noemy's P.O.V


The shortest day of the week for me!

The shortest day of the week for me!

The shortest day of the week for meeeeeeee!

The shortest day of the week!

Hey I just made a mini song! Today feels like a happy day!

And for no good reason!

Welp! Time to go to school!

I get my backpack and eat a quick breakfast and get ready. Soon I am heading out the door and walking towards my Dad's truck where everyday he takes me to school.

"Well you seem overly joyful today," My dad says as he starts the engine.

"Yep! It must be something in the air," I say to him. 

"If only I had as much energy as you today," My dad says to me. "Then I would be unstoppable!"

"Sure Dad," I giggle. "You would be the most unstoppable person in the world."

"Nope! I would be the second most unstoppable," he says to me as he drives off to my school.

"And who's the first?" I say to him.

"Why Superman of course!" He jokes at me.

We both laugh at his comment and then stay silent as he keeps on driving. Sooner or later though I'm already at school. Wow! Time passes by really fast.

"There you go chica," My Dad says as he parks his truck.

"Thanks Dad," I say to him. "Love ya!"

"Love you too Noemy," My dad says as I leave the truck.

The moment I step on school grounds and look back towards where my dad was, I can already see him leaving at a distance.

It's like he's in a hurry everyday. And maybe he is.

I go to try and find my friends at where they usually are until someone stopped me.

"Hey Noemy!" Ashton says to me. 

"Hey Ash!" I reply to him. "Aren't you glad it's Wednesday!"

"No," he says to me. "We high schoolers don't get out early on Wednesdays except once a month."

"Oh yeah...I forgot," I say to him. "Sorry."

"It's okay," Ashton replies to me. "It was only a misunderstanding."

"A dumb misunderstanding," I say to him.

"So are you doing anything this Friday?" He says to me. 

"Nope! I'm just going home and watch a bunch a Disney movies to occupy my free time while everyone else are having fun," I say to him. "You?"

He then looks at me a little seriously for a second as I look at his face. He then says to me...

"Meet me after school when you get out," Ashton says to me. "I have something important to tell you."

"Okay," I say to him as I reach into my backpack to look for something. "What do you want to tell me?"

I then see that all my stuff was in my backpack and look back up to see Ashton. Only to find out that he wasn't there.

Werewolf speed...of course.

I still want to be able to see his super speed one day though. I want to see if it's actually true that he leaves a trail of snow wherever he goes. That would be cool too cause he can basically make it "snow" whenever he wants, even in the summer.

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