Chapter 63 - Next generation artists

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Some months have passed since the wedding and everything was going well in the label and in the family. I got busier these days but so did Jungkook with their upcoming comeback. We planned to release his solo album soon but postponed it since BTS activity had priority. YG was not going to jail but had to pay alot of money to Anna and the state. He was on probabtion and apologized for his behaviour. Seems like people can change for the better. DK was also back and rejoining iKON. Everything was going well. I missed out on a couple of award shows that year due to my busy schedule. It was a shame but I had to take responsibilty for the people around me. Before I went home each day I checked in with Anna and Unnie to see how they and the babys were doing.

One day I was very late at the office going through some paperwork when I saw Yoongi lying on the couch lifelessly. I could see that something was bothering him and in fact the last few days he seemed rather down and spaced out. I sat down on the couch opposite to him.

" Hey Yoongi what is wrong with you the last couple of days? Want to talk about it?", I asked him.

He looked at me from the side and there was an expression on his face I have never seen before. I could not even graps what he was feeling. There was a wall between us. He lay back down and stared at the ceiling.

" I do not know it myself. I just meet this girl and I can not understand her. She puts up that cool and funny facade but resents any help. There is that big heavy stone weighing her down and I just want to help but I can not", he said pained.

That was the first time I saw him like that. He seemed so vunerable and helpless. The thing was that he had never mentioned anything about a girl before. This was the first time I heard about that. He also never mentioned her name or what the problem was with her. There was not much I could do so I at least wanted to let him know that I was here for him.

" Hey girls are complicated. Give her time and space to open up. She will come to you when she is ready. I am here when you want to talk about it. Anyway let us grab some dinner together and talk or hang out. You need some fresh air", I said to him with a smile and  poked his cheeks.

" Yah stop it", he said annoyed.

But since I was very persistant he got up and followed me outside. We jumped in my car and headed to our favourite BBQ place.

" I have never seen you so troubled in the time that I know you", I said to him while we waited for the food to arrive.

He smiled weakly and nodded.

" I do not know it myself. She is different", he said looking at me.

I nodded.

" How come I just hear about her today. It seems like you know her longer", I said to him teasing.

He simply shrugged his shoulders and spaced out.

I had enough of his attitude today.

" Yah Min Yoongi! I see that you care about her and she must be lucky to have someone like you around her. Just be yourself and let her know that whatever is troubling her that you are here. Fight for her", I scolded him.

He seemed rather shocked that I was using is full name but my rant was showing an effect.

" And if you finally get closer introduce her to me. I have to see what kind of girl stole your heart or sanity", I said smirking.

He burst out laughing and that is when he seemed relaxed and more like himself compared to the last few days. A waiter came in with our food and we started eating. The landowner came in and greeted us. She was a very good friend of us all by now. When I saw her it always reminded me of my lost friends but in a good way.

" Thanks A.J for today. I feel better", Yoongi said smiling.

" After all you did for me this is no big deal. We are family right?", I said to him smiling and he nodded.

The wall he had put up was gone. We spend the rest of the night near the Han River and enjoying the starry night.

" A.J when do you want to have kids with Jungkook?", Yoongi asked me all of a sudden.

I was suprised by his sudden question but I knew he was just curious.

" Maybe anytime soon. I am not sure. I will let it happen naturally. Honestly I have thought about it for a while and I think there will never be any right time for kids. We will always be busy. A kid will not stop me from working afterall. The office runs well without me being there all the time and seeing the bellies of Unnie and Anna grow made me realize that I want to have kids too. I just need to get the next generation of artists of the lable ready and out there. This is one thing I want to do before having a baby. But I want to suprise Jungkook. So no word to him ok", I said to him smiling like an idiot.

" I can not wait for a little Jungkook or A.J! I will be a great and cool uncle! We will have super cute babies running around us soon. I love kids", Yoongi said beaming a smile at me.

" Get a girl, marry and have a baby. Your kid will be a musical genius just like you I bet", I said teasing and he turned bright red.

I dropped him off home before heading home myself. Jungkook was still at a photoshoot and would return tomorrow morning so I was alone at home. I got changed into some comfortable clothes and headed straight to bed. It was a rather early night for me and soon my sleep was disturbed by my phone ringing. It was Simon and I was wide awake when I took the call.

" What happened?", I asked him terrified thinking something bad might have happened to Anna.

" Calm down. Anna, the baby and me are fine. I am at the office with Jay and we wanted to talk to you", Simon said laughing.

" Yah Oppa do you know how scared I was for a second", I yelled at the phone.

"Sorry sorry", Simon apologized.

I exhaled and felt my heartbeat calm down.

" We have good news", Jay said cheerfully.

" What is it? Have you found a girl?", I asked him laughing.

" Not funny. We have signed a new producer. Her name is GRAIL and I met her yesterday at the set of SMTM. I thought she was a staff. We got to chat and I found her really funny. She was teasing Loco. I decided to invite her for lunch at AOMG and she accepted. Well Gray was stuck with a song that he was working on for me and Hyung. I guess since you were busy he did not ask you for advice but she was there and solved the problem in minutes. GRAIL and you have alot in commen I think when it comes to music. She also told us that she has a pitch perfect. I saw her talent and we signed her on the spot. She has her own signature while producing. You might know her from Kiss the Radio. She became the Co-Host with Li Hyung a few weeks ago", he said happy.

" Oh yes I have heard one show and G and Taeyang Oppa told me that she was skilled. They liked her too. Well done signing her. You were faster than me. But I would like to get to know her at any time soon", I said to them.

" Cool yeah. You can see a little and younger version of you I guess. But she is a true badass. We will drop by. Actually we have meeting with her tomorrow and we might come by tomorrow or the day after. Depends on the meeting. Anyway get some sleep and we will talk to you soon", Jay sang and hung up.

That was weird. I got my phone out and did some research on her. I found clips of her singing with WINNER, Black Pink and some other YG artist. She had a great voice but one things striked me. She always wore long sleeves and trousers. I felt like she was hiding something under the fabric. This was not just a fashion choice but rather a cover up. Jay was right when he said that she was talented. I felt that but we both seem to be different when is comes to music. She reminds me of the future of music that I envisioned. The next generation of artist and producer. My eyes were slowly shutting and I decided to sleep. It was 2 am by now.

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