Chapter 29 - Restart

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Thinking of these people in my life that support me makes me filled with pride. Not only did they help me whenever I needed them but they also gave me their unconditional love. It did not matter what I do or whether I one day become an ordinary person they would be still be with me. It is easy to find friends but hard to find true friends that become your family. Something I never had and wished to have but I gave up. In the most unexpected moment I met them all and they changed me. In return for their love I wanted to protect them.

I looked at all these precious faces in front of me and wished that this would never change. That time would never separate us and that we stay here in this moment. Forever with these smiles and tears of joy.

Daseung got his camera out and smiled at us.

"Let us capture this moment. The restart for our little sister and the start of a new rebellion", he announces happily and we all got into position and took several pictures.

"Oppa thank you for documenting all these memories. I now get what you mean", I said while looking at the pictures he just made.

I wanted to be independent and make a difference for the better. The industry needs a shake up. J and Simon were about to head to their office and I decided to ask if I could join them to talk about my restart.

"Yeah you can come A.J. Let me call our lawyer and you call yours aswell and we can make a plan. Jungkook you wanna come aswell?", Simon asked him.

"I think that you should do this alone. But Jin Hyung requested the attendance of Noona for dinner today. Do you think she can make it will 8pm?", he asked while ruffling through this hair.

I nodded. I waved goodbye to them all and called my lawyer who said that she is on her way. I dropped off Jungkook at the his dorm before I headed to AOMG.

" Kookie thank you again. I enjoyed the day with you", I said to him smiling when he got out of the car.

He gave me a big smile and nodded. I watched him vanish into the building and headed off. When I arrived at AOMG I was surprised to find that the studio was nearly empty. J and Simon were sitting of the couch with some files spread on the table and Gray and ChaCha were watching them. I was wondering what they were doing here overall.

"Hey guys! Long time no seen huh?", I joked when I came into the room.

Both men turned to me and smiled. Gray greeted me "SENSEI! You came home. Finally! Let us start with the magic right away!".

Simon glared at him: "She is not here for that. You are here to help her and us with some things...".

J signalled me to sit down and I could see that Gray was confused. ChaCha on the other hand looked at J and had a hunch about what might have happened. He seemed less confused and smiled.

"Sensei what is happening?", Gray asked annoyed that he was left in the dark.

"A rebellion!", J said excited still scanning through some files.

Gray now turned to me and begged me with his eyes to clear things up.

"I have resigned from being a producer working with YG. I have no label behind me anymore. These two will help me to be an independent producer. No label, no rules, just me, a rebel on the loose", I said with a winning smile.

"Enough with the small talk. The lawyers are outside. ChaCha can you go and open the door. You two know the industry as much as we do. But you are also in the first line producer so we might need your knowledge. I do not have to mention that you both signed a Non-disclosure contract with us which also now includes this", J said in his CEO voice.

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