Chapter 47 - My name is A.J

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I watched the staff running around and Haba came on set and walked with his steaming coffee and the biggest smile towards us. From his facial expression I could tell that he knew that it was me who ordered the truck.

"That is why you are my favourite human on earth. If you ever need me tell me ok?", he whispered to me.

"I might need your help soon but I will tell you when exactly soon Oppa. There is nothing more joyful than seeing these happy faces", I whispered back to him facing the staff.

They were so happy when the truck arrived and seem boosted in their energy level. Sharing and doing things for others and see their happy faces gives me joy. After such a dull and sad day yesterday I wanted to see others happy. Maybe I was being selfish because I wanted to feel better aswell. I shrugged of the feeling and took another sip from the coffee. The mentors walked in one by one and took their seats. They seemed to have discovered the coffee truck aswell. I had met Taemin as the only one from them and the rest I just had seen on screens. SanE was a great rapper. I knew him and his work and also some of the songs that the others had released. I had looked them up in the car after Rain had mentioned them. Jimin had laughed about my cluelessness each time I met some senior artist. Haba walked to them and talked to each of the shortly. Rain seemed to have talked to Haba about me since he pointed at me. I guess Rain had not spotted us yet in our seats. John giggled next to me and I glared at him.

"Come on this is funny. He seems a bit..", he started teasing but I cut him off.

"He is troubled and anxious. I can sense that he does not want to be here today and that he is not in the right mood to do this. He just needs someone to keep him in check", I said facing Rain who flashed a smile at me. Taemin who was now sitting next to Rain tried to figure out where Rain was looking but the lights were off and Haba started to count down. They all turned to the cameras and started the recording.

There were some pretty good people and others that had no fire in them at all. It was similar to Idol producer. I mean the whole feel and the trainees. Rain seemed a bit stiff the whole time and I was worried. We were almost done for the day. They recorded Non-stop since there were would be another audition round the next day. There was just one contestant left.

The screen lit up and the Name New face appeared. It was an interesting name. Soon a little girl started walking on stage. John gasped for air when he saw her.

"She is young. Like 10", he whispered to me surprised.

I nodded. She was young but I could tell from her aura that she is good. This will be interesting. She introduced herself and captivated all of the mentors with her cuteness. She was more than cute and I seemed to be the one that predicted that. Haba was standing next to me and watched me.

"You sense that she is good. You have the same expression when Cai walked on stage", he whispered to me amused.

"I feel like she is even better", I said standing up and John did the same.

The mentors were chatting with her for a bit and Rain seemed to be more cheerful now.

"I can not wait to see you perform", SanE said to her and the spotlight turned on and the music started playing. Her cuteness was gone when she got into her zone and I smiled. She was good. Not just good. She was better than some trainees I had met on my show. She could dance and sing perfect. She had the fire and the emotions. The audience was on their feet and the mentors started to applaud when she finished. They all seemed so excited and in aw by her performance.

"Can we see you dance to a different song?", Taemin asked her and she agreed.

A more upbeat songs started playing and she nailed each move. I have never seen someone so young and skilled at the same time. She had a great future ahead. Rain wrapped up the show and the lights turned off.

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