Chapter 51 - Safe house

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I rang the doorbell to G's house and he opened the door straight away. When he saw me a big smile was plastered on his face and he hugged me tightly.

"A.J!! What a great surprise!!! Come on in", he said and led me to the living room.

"Oppa am I disturbing you in any way?", I asked him unsure about his schedule.

He shook his head and grinned.

"You never disturb me", he said to me warmly.

"I have missed you Oppa. Sorry for not calling and texting or swinging by more often", I apologized.

"Stop it. You are busy and I can understand that. I have missed you even more. But I have to understand that I have to share you now with Jungkook. It will be hard but I will try my best", G teased me.

I giggled and we started to catch up. I told him that I met iKON while I was out eating with Doni and Coni after my interview. He was surprised to hear that Anna had fallen in love with DK, but he told me that he was a good guy. I trusted G on that one since I had not had a hint on him being a bad guy. I headed home soon after and looked at the E-Mails I had received.

I was still thinking about Anna and DK. I knew that most idols had a dating ban but I felt like DK and Bobby did not care much about that. I never understood why they would forbid you to be in a relationship at all since it can make you stronger and less lonely. If you control every aspect of their life it is really sad and I can understand that they get lonely and depressed. There was no one they could lean on and their families were far away. For that reason I needed to open the safe house soon. My safe house project was progressing and Anna and I had met the construction team a few months ago and they had started building the complex. I had a first viewing with her and Doc later that evening. I was excited since I was told that most of the building work was half way done. With the land that Tai had left me and the money he and some others have given me the construction was going very well. I had invested most of my money into that project so that the construction finishes as soon as possible. Doc was on board on his project and took care of the medical needs that had to be met there.

Anna had picked me up and Doc met us at the location. It had been 2 months since the start of the construction and I was not really allowed to see the progress. Anna and Doc took care of that while I was on tour with BTS and even after that. I trusted both of them. As we arrived I was surprised to not see any containers as such. Anna stepped next to me and handed me the keys. I looked at her confused.

"Doc and I wanted to surprise you. The construction and all is done since this morning. The safe house is done", he said warmly to me.

"You lied to me? Both of you?", I asked them shocked.

"No we kept details to us. You were so busy and we thought that speeding up your heart project will make you feel so good", Doc said to me while Anna dragged me to the front entrance.

I inserted the keys and tears started building up. I stepped in and they both led me through the house. It was just like I imagined it to be and seeing it in real life made me so happy. It was overwhelming.

"It is perfect... Just perfect", I said sobbing.

"That is not all. The team that you wanted all signed the contract and will start on the day of the opening party. Legally this is now funded by donations and your money. It is all settled and ready to go", Anna said hugging me.

We had talked about the guest list for the opening party. I wanted to invite all the people that I had met so far. Now I also wanted to invite iKON, Doni, Coni and Sung. Of course this needed to be more official and formal so we decided to invite the CEOs of each entertainment company and some selected trainees and idols. We wanted to keep the location and secret and Mr.Won had planned the biggest security system here which made it impossible for intruders to storm in and disturb the clients. I texted my family and friends and asked them if they could meet me here at this location as soon as possible. I wanted to show them the safe house now. I was buzzing from excitement.

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