Chapter 35 - Testimonial

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We ate lunch together and left around 5 pm to get to our temporary housing. They all got tired and slept in the car. I thought by now that they have figured out how to beat Jetlag but I was wrong. It was quiet the whole car ride and I watched them all sleep peacefully. It was getting dark outside and we drove along the beach. The scenery was beautiful and nostalgic. What Tablo told me was still echoing in my head. I mean he has a point there but I was anxious.

Suddenly I felt a head rest on my shoulder and a hand taking mine. It was Jungkook. His eyes were still closed but his touch made me feel less anxious for a bit. It was funny how he made me feel at peace by such small actions like this. I intertwined my fingers with his which made him smile in his sleep. I kept looking out of the window the rest of the car ride. My mind was still debating about this all.

1 hour later we arrived at the address that their manager gave us. I woke them all up as the car was pulling up. They looked so tired and exhausted.

Hobbi looked like a ghosts when he got off the car.

"Where are we?", Namjoon asked while rubbing his eyes.

"We are at our LA home", I said laughing about his disorientation.

Wordlessly they all got out and I waited for them. Jungkook got out of the car before me and offered me his hand to get out. I blushed a bit which made him smile and the others were just ignoring us. Their manager came closer. It was dark outside by now but I could see a cute cottage house in front of us. It looked like a typical family house. His manager came to me and handed me the keys.

"This is your place for the time we are here. You will stay with these guys and keep an eye of them. I will stay with the staff members down the road. I will leave these two guards with you just in case", their manager said tired.

Wait what? Shouldn't he be staying with them? Jimin was confused like me.

"Hyung should you not be staying with us? That is unusual for you to leave us alone", he said pouting.

I was not angry at all when he asked him this since I had the same opinion.

His manger yawned and answered: "Well to be honest I am happy that I can leave you with A.J. She has done a good job so far and PD-nim trusts her a lot so why should I not do the same. It seems like you listen to her better than me aswell. If you bother her you will be in trouble with me. Behave ok?".

They all nodded and with that their manager left us. To be honest he seemed relieved. Being the only one that is responsible for these guys must be though. If they mess up then he is the first one that might lose his job and face the consequences. He had been organising all the things and made sure that we are where we need to be. There were a lot of things that happen behind the scene and now I realise that he must feel the same pressure as these guys but just in a different way.

I turned to the boys who were sleeping while standing up and grinned at this picture.

"Ok let us go inside and check out the house", I announced and they all started to follow me.

I inserted the key into the door and opened it. I stepped aside and let them all in. Half asleep they found the living room and sank on the couch. For sure they are going to fall asleep any second. I took of my shoes off and took a look around. The house consisted of two floors. The first floor consisted of a big living room, a bedroom with a bathroom, a kitchen, a small bathroom, and a garden with a nice terrace. The second floor consisted of 3 bedrooms with en suite bathrooms and a balcony. The house had a very warm and stylish LA vibe to it. When I stepped on the balcony I could see that the house is near the beach. It was peaceful and the next neighbours were quiet far away so we would have our privacy. He made a good call with this place. It was perfect to wind down. I found my things in the room downstairs and started to unpack. Anna had packed up all things with a certain order which would allow me to unpack in 15 min. I wanted to go for a run after seeing the beautiful beach and got changed into my running gear. It might help with the Jetlag aswell. So far it had not hit me so bad compared to them. The reason for that could be that my body is used to an not exciting sleeping schedule.

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