Chapter 30 - Confessions

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I helped Jin with the cooking and we all chatted about their upcoming tour. They had like 1 month left and the preparations are intense.

"I have an idea. A.J why don't you come with us on tour. You can see first hand what our schedule looks like and think about ways to improve. In our spare time we can work on the albume aswell", Namjoon said which made me freeze.

"I am not sure if your CEO will agree", I said facing him.

Yoongi got out his phone and dialled a number. My eyes widened when he handed me the phone and telling me it was their CEO. I glared him and he just shrug his shoulders. I talked with him for a bit and I was amazed about his support on this project. He had told me that Anna was here a while ago and made him sign the contract aswell. He also told me that I can count on him and that the idea of Namjoon was brilliant. He was leaving it up to me whether I want to do it or not. He hung up after that. This man was different to all the other CEOs I had met and I now understood that BTS is like what is is because of him.

"I bet he was up for it. PD-nim is always up for a rebellion and a change", Jin said laughing.

"Yeah he is different to all the CEOs I had met. He said he has nothing to oppose this so it is my decision... I need to think about it guys", I said and stirred in some pots.

"Take your time ok!", Yoongi said.

We had a great dinner together and I really missed hanging out with them all. Jungkook was sitting opposite to me and he was smiling at me the whole time. My mind was going crazy about it. In that moment I realized that I loved him. I really did. I could not imagine a life without him. Yoongi was looking at me from the side and laughed.

"Finally you realize.Let me help you out", he whispered to me and I nodded. He knew. Jungkook seemed to be confused about Yoongis statement.

" Jungkook I am craving some Ice-Cream can you get some for all of us? A.J can join you right?", Yoongi asked and Jungkook sighed and faced me. I nodded.

We took our coats and walked out the dorm. It was cold outside.

"Are you cold?", he asked me while taking his scarf and wrapping me in it.

" You will get a cold Kookie. I do not need it..", I complained but he ignored it and he grabbed my hand and held it.

"Kookie..", I whispered and he smiled at me.

" I am gonna say something really selfish now.. I am not sure how things will be after this but I need to say it. The moment I saw you I knew that you were special and that I wanted you to be by my side forever. I want you to stay with me forever but not as friends..", he said now facing me and holding my hand tighter.

" I love you A.J. I have been for a while but now I am courages enough to tell you that. I do not expect an answer. I wanted to say it", he said and turned around to walk away.

He was feeling the same way as I was. The whole time and I bet Yoongi knew that. I grabbed his arm and he turned around. I looked at him and had tears in my eyes.

"Are you hitting on me?", I teased him.

He laughed: "Yes I am. But it is ok..".

I stopped him with the words "I love you Kookie. I will never leave your side".

He froze for a second and then came closer and hugged me tight. He kissed my forehead and it felt so right. Him and me here. We headed to the supermarket and got the ice-cream. He held my hand the whole time and we both smiled at eachother. We were in love.

" You know that you are my first love A.J! I will treat you special! I promise", he promised me while placing one hand around my shoulders and giving me a kiss on my hair.

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