Chapter 41 - Completed frame

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Each piece of paper had the title of songs that I created for myself. Seeing the amount of title made me proud. Each of them told a story of me. This was all me and no one else. They expressed what I wanted to say. Tablo helped me see that I am capable to tell my story. I crossed my mind that if one person resonates with this it is all worth the work. The time I had invested in this. This was a journey and it felt like just the beginning of this all. There was more coming. With the current status I had in the media it would not be clever to drop any songs an soon. I needed to have a white west again before I could set a foot into the industry as an independent artist. Anna worked hard on setting the legal foundation for the safe project I had planned. There was so much paperwork that needed to be settled before.

But before I even thought about this at all I needed to have this feeling that the album was ready and what I imagined it to be. The doorbell rang and Tablo offered to answer it. I waited and looked at the titles.

"What are you doing on the floor?", Yoongi asked making me jump.

"Yah don't make me jump like that", I said standing up.

We walked over to the couch and smirked.

"Calm down. I have a head ache", he said massaging his temples.

I turned around to greet the other man. I bowed politely and he just laughed.

"Come on drop the formalities. Call me Hitman", he said laughing.

"If that is what you want Sir I will. Please take a seat", I said and crammed out some pain killer for Yoongi out of my draw. I grabbed a water bottle from my fridge and gave him both.

He took the pain killer and thanked me. Tablo grabbed the papers that Anna sent me and gave them both a copy.

"Anna wants you both to sign these before we start talking", Tablo explained, and both men started reading the contract carefully. Hitman was the first to sign the contract followed by Yoongi. Both kept one of the copy for themselves.

"I will make some coffee", Tablo said and walked vanished through the door. He had spent so much time here that he walked around freely.

"I need your knowledge and view on this project", I started to explain and point on the floor.

Hitman and Yoongi sat down on the floor and read the pieces of paper. I joined them and by now Tablo had returned with some coffee and snacks which he placed between us all.

"These are titles?", Yoongi asked.

I nodded.

"For who are these?", he continued to ask.

I looked at Tablo who grinned widely. Hitman was quick and smiled too. He knew that these were for me.

"For A.J the new artist", Tablo said smirking.

Yoongis jaw dropped and he looked at me in disbelief. I was hiding this very well.

"The songs are all done. But we cannot put the pieces together to make sense. That is why I asked you two to join in here. We are missing something. Oppa and I have been starring at this for hours", I said sighing.

Hitman started reading the titles one by one silently and Yoongi pulled out a notepad.

"Let us hear the songs", Hitman said still focusing on the puzzle in front of him. Tablo went over to the production table and started to play the first song. For the next hours they listened to all the songs. Yoongi took some notes whereas Hitman still focused on the pieces. The last song was done and that is when Hitman looked at me.

"I have never heard anything like this before. It is bold and charged with your energy! This puzzle is exciting. You could drop 3 albums. This is history in the making Yoongi. Let me see...", he said and started to group the titles into three groups.

Tablo and I watched him. Yoongi started discussing with him about some titles and arranged them slightly different. After 30 min they were done.

Hitman turned to me and said: "The narrative could be like this. Part 1 where you are lost and found love, Part 2 where you chase your dreams and get chased and Part 3 where you start your revolution".

I thought about it. This album should have a deep impact and meaning.

"What if we make this a journey? I started in a grey base, find a dream and follow it, find myself in a corrupted system and found myself lost. Then I find my calling and love. Autobiographic", I said looking at the piled.

Hitman started to rearrange the titles again and nodded.

"Yeah that it better. Do you want to have features?", he asked me curious.

I have not thought about it yet. Features are expensive. I wanted to get most of the income into the safe house fund after all. Yoongi picked out one song and looked at me: "I will feature on this. I want to. For free".

He can not do that but Hitman nodded smiling. Tablo picked out one of the songs aswell and announced that he wanted to feature on this. Maybe the thing that was missing was the feature of artist that could give the songs the extra finish. I wrote down the titles in the three lists and added names to the songs. People that are made to feature on this. I smiled after seeing the puzzle solved. That was missing. I was happy. The frame was completed.

"Thank you... It makes sense now", I said and both grinned.

"My pleasure. If you need help with the production do not hesitate to ask me. I would love to help. Producing solely for BTS gets tiring after all", he teased Yoongi who just laughed.

They all left soon after we were done and I remained in my studio. Tomorrow was the day. The day where I could redeem the interview. A way out of the witch hunt. But what if they do not trust me or think I am lying? I shook of the clouds that started to fog up my mind. I knew that the headlines were fabricated to tear me down. The way they portrayed me was not me. It was not me.

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