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▪The tans will fade but the memories will last forever▪

Monday, 18.6.18


Dear Diary,

Quite some time has passed since I last wrote right?

Well, guess what. I'm done with my exams and SUMMER VACATION!


No school.

No homework.

No annoying alarms going off.

No waking up early.

Just summer.

My summers have always been like this.

"Oh! Summer! I'm gonna do a lot of stuff"

"I have plans! A LOT!"

But always, in the end of August, in the beginning of September, I'm gonna be like.

"My summer was boring."

"I just stayed at home doing nothing."

"It was just a regular summer."

"I just wasted my time. And here we are again. School."

It's kind of sad actually.

When the time comes for the exams I always wait for summer to come. To finally be free.

But at the end of the vacation, I just realize how I just wasted that three-month vacation.


I've decided not to waste my summer. I'M NOT. I WILL NOT.

Determination and motivation.

I'm going to make memories. Lots of them.

I'm gonna try new things.

I'll visit places.

I'll do anything I want for this summer to be perfect.

Wait. No. I don't really like the word perfect.

I'll do anything I want for this summer to be memorable.

So in the end, in the end of this vacation, I'll tell myself

"I had fun. I really did. And this wasn't a regular summer."

Firstly, I wrote a summer bucket list.

Are you interested to see?XD

Are you curious?

Are you really curious?

Well I'm not gonna show you.

Joking. Here it is. For extra ideas as well.

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