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▪To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment▪

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, 11/4/18

Peer Pressure

Dear Diary,

Wassup? Haven't spoken in a while, have I? 

Sorry for not writing in a while, just stuff going on. I know, I'm on vacation and no homework and stuff, I dunno. I didn't really feel like writing. 

But the good news is that I'm back~ 

Just a little while ago, I was thinking of what topic to write. I seriously had no idea of what to write. Soooo, I did a little research and ended up with this one. 

Peer pressure. 

Many kids especially those who just entered adolescence, may encounter peer pressure. Many teenagers, who feel lost in society or just lack self-confidence and have low-self esteem, can sometimes go in the wrong direction. 

The definition of peer pressure is as simple as unlocking your phone: Peer pressure (or social pressure) is the direct influence on people by peers, or the effect on an individual who gets encouraged to follow their peers by changing their attitudes, values or behaviors to conform to those of the influencing group or individual. (yeah. Got it from wiki. Thanks~)

Okay. Maybe that definition was too scientific thingy. Peer pressure basically is getting influenced by your peers in a certain way, such as behavior, the way you dress and how you act.

Usually when people think of the phrase 'peer pressure', they usually think of teens who participate in destructive behavior. But peer pressure can be a positive thing as well. 

For example, surrounding yourself with people who participate in class and get good grades, can actually have a good effect on you. Being in such environment, you get used to seeing your friends participate and study well, and you, as a friend of theirs, you want to get a bit of that taste as well. 

But, like pizza, peer pressure can be negative as well. (Okay. Don't get me wrong here. I chose pizza 'cause pizza has also disadvantages! Like, who puts lettuce as a pizza topping?! Just whyyy? Even if you put lettuce on a pizza, the pizza still remains unhealthy people! *sighs*) 

Teenagers -and generally people- who feel lonely and have the desire for acceptance tend to go to the wrong path sometimes. 

For example, imagine this: 

There is a new student at a school, who was bullied at his previous school but no one knew about it. He then arrives at his new school, afraid of whether he'll make new friends and if they accept him. He then notices that everyone has their own group, except him. And now, before lunch break began, a group of boys come up to him asking of he wants to join. The boy, eager to make new friends, he accepts. He later founds out that, that group of his,  wanted to skip school. Of course, he joins.

Awful thing isn't it?

Trying to be accepted in a community which can have a bad influence on you. The need and desire to be accepted, to feel you belong somewhere, to feel needed.

No limits.

You do whatever you can just to feel loved, just to feel needed.

Have friends who accept you of who you are, not how you behave or look.

I remember I was talking about this during school break with my friend.

We were talking about how college might be.

'What if no one accepts me?'

'What if I'm alone during my time there?'

So what if you're alone? What's wrong with it?

Not everyone likes everyone. You can't please everyone. You can't make everyone happy.

There are 7 billion people in this world.

You're not the only one who feels this way.

You're not alone.

Surely someone will accept you. For sure someone out there is for you.

Maybe not today, not tomorrow, but someday.

You'll find your place in this cruel yet beautiful world.

Just be yourself.

Don't change for anyone, but yourself.
You control your own life. You make your own decisions.

Time rn: 11.36pm

Just wait and see. Good night and good luck.



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