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▪In dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own▪

- Albus Dumbledore



Dear Diary,

I might have had a terrifying experience. But cool at the same time.

I really like seeings dreams. I feel like I enter another world. My own world. It's like an escape from reality. An escape from all of my problems and worries.

When people hear the word 'dream', they usually think of two things:

•Dreams for themselves, their ambitions


•Dreams they see when they fall asleep.

Today, I'll write about the second bullet. Dreams I see when I fall asleep.

Yesterday, for some reason, I searched about how to enter someone else's dream.(I know, I'm creepy and weird.)
I then read about some steps you have to take. After I read some articles, I decided to try it.

It was in the afternoon. About 7pm. (Is it still the afternoon or is it already evening?Anyways.) I decided to fall asleep and enter someone's dream. I decided it would be someone I know.

And guess what.

It didn't workXD I just slept. For about two hours. I didn't even dream about anything! *sighs*

Or so I thought.

Later that evening, as I was sleeping, I had a lucid dream.

One of my friends were in front of me

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One of my friends were in front of me. But she wasn't actually there. I mean, it was like I was looking at a picture of her in my mind. Then I thought to myself:

"Right at this moment a door is going to appear in front of me."

And so, it did. And the next thing I thought was:

"When I open this door, (the-one-I-tried-to-enter-in-his-dream-earlier-this-afternoon's name) will be behind it."

And when I opened that door, he was indeed there. Standing in front of me. But not actually. Same story as my friend before. Like I was looking at a picture of him.

Then, as I was standing in front of him, I quickly thought:

"Ah! I'm lucid dreaming right now. Now, I'm going to enter his dreams."

Yes. I realized I was dreaming and could control it. And yes. I decided to go in his dream. So we will be able to share the same dream.

In one of the articles I read earlier that day, it said "so you can enter someone's dream, a portal will appear." And so, after I told myself in my dream that I will now enter his dreams, I expected a portal to appear.

But no.

Instead, my vision became dark and I could only see a hint of the guy's picture. Suddenly, my heartbeat started increasing and I could hear it.

Like after a long run when you stop to gather your breath, don't you hear your hearbeat? Like your pulse in a fast speed. No? Only me then.

And yeah, I could hear my heartbeat increasing, and my vision went blank.
Then I woke up. But not fully. I was like half awake. Almost. Let's say 90% awake. Or 95%.

During my half-awakeness (not even a real word L), I suddenly felt my right arm being lifted up. But then, I quickly gained my full consiousness.

I realized that my arm wasn't being lifted, instead it was just still laying there. (That came out really weird.) I felt like I was leaving from my body. Like my arm was leaving from my body. Something like a OBE (out of body experience) kind of thing.

Because I was terrified from what just happened, I quickly hid myself under my blankets. Yes. I'm a scaredy cat.


As I was under them, I had thoughts like 'did I just almost leave my body?' or 'did I just time travel?'

Yes. I felt like I just time travelled and focused on my breathing. I seriously felt like my arm was being lifted and all that.

I have had lucid dreams before. So that's not new to me. But what's new, is that I felt my arm being lifted when it actually wasn't.
I wasn't dreaming. I knew, cause I could hear my cat snoring beside me while I felt that.

Humans are really interesting and mysterious beings. What's even more interesting and mysterious, is the human mind. There are lot of things which can't be explained. Dreams for example.

Lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, (dream) telepathy, and all that, can't be fully explained.

There are so many mysterious things in this world that can make you feel interested in learning about them or make you feel terrified.

Some things are meant not to be found out. Some things are meant to stay hidden.

You might not believe anything you hear or read about until you actually see it with your own two eyes or experience it yourself.

Many people seek for answers to their questions. But do you really want to know the answers? You might regret knowing about it.

Some things are meant to stay hidden.

Time rn: 9.40pm

So, good night. And have a wonderful dream.



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