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Jungkook was given a week off to atleast spend time with Taehyung before the promotion starts, before he performs on stages and all.

Taehyung was happy that Jungkook and him finally got some time together and they were just spending it by cuddling and doing anything a cute trendy couple would do.

"finally got a time to relax with you"

Taehyung took in Jungkook's scent, it was addicting and he couldn't get enough of it.

"i swear i'll miss you, i know I said work's important but I feel lonely.."

"i miss you every day and night. I know that promotions on comeback stages is just one week but thinking about going on a concert for 3 months- ugh."

Jungkook groaned as he remembers having to travel everywhere and leaving Taehyung here for 3 months was just horrible, it felt like torture just by thinking. he doesn't know how he'll survive when the time comes.

"we're such clingy babies"

Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle at the cute gestures Jungkook did and it cheered him up, taking his mind off the things he was bothered about the other day.



"how come you seem free this day?"

"well. the contract with the other brand I worked for was done and now the agency is trying to look at the other offers"

"so no party?"

"actually there is a party. where all models go, if you're available you could come"

thinking about the possibilities of handsome looking men and good looking women clouded Jungkook's mind and it angered him whenever he thinks some dude might touch his baby.


"yeah what?"

"sure. i'll go, 100% sure, not gonna take that back"


they couldn't say anything else since it felt like the two of them were melting in each other's arms and they seemed comfortable with the silence and it was just them, looking at each other except in the eyes.

"it's gonna be almost 3 months since we've met.."

"i can't believe we lasted this long without even having one disagreement"

"yeah, i'm hope it continues being like this. even if i know it'll be impossible"

"what do you mean?"

"c'mon we'll have an arguement someday but that someday isn't today nor tomorrow"

there was an awkward pause before Taehyung finally cleared his throat which made Jungkook look at him with a weird expression, making him laugh.



he tried not to laugh but he thinks Jungkook is doing it on purpose, making him laugh and giggle from time to time with these weird faces.

"stop it~"

"stop what?"

another weird face, his eyebrows raised and a playful smirk playing on his lips as he watched Taehyung die from laughter.

"I snapped some photos"

Taehyung held his phone in his hands and set the photo as his lock screen and home screen not bothering to show Jungkook the results of the pics.

"ain't it unfair how you still look good even though the shot is from below?"

"i'm a visual god, can't blame me"

"cocky bastard"

Taehyung kissed Jungkook on his chin and poked his neck then kisses it after.

"damn you're one weird human"

"but you like me a lot, so who's the real winner here?"

"i can't believe you"

Jungkook scoffed and messed taehyung's hair before tickling him again, making Taehyung squirm and stir in Jungkook's arms.

"j-jungkook! stop i-it!"

"nope, not until you say- oh my daddy jungkook is so hot!"

"i-i don't w-want to you l-little s-shit"

"EEEEE wrong answer"

he tickled Taehyung harder causing them to turn and Taehyung ending up below jungkook.

"f-fine fine!"

Jungkook stopped and looked at Taehyung with a victory smile, he took out his phone and filmed Tae, who huffed and sat in a cute position where he looked at Jungkook behind the camera.

"d-daddy Jungkook! y-you're so hot"

he looked down the whole video and after it was done, he buried his face in the pilliw and screamed as Jungkook played the video which will be the end of Tae.

"i don't even know why I agreed!"

"beause you like me a lot"

Jungkook mimicked Taehyung and hugged him.

"you have a daddy kink don't you?"


"daddy kink is so over-"

"but you still said it, so who's the REAL winner now?"

"pfft, still me-"

suddenly, he heard his voice and his words on Jungkook's phone repeating the thing he had just said a while ago, taehyung turned red and hid in his blanket.

"fuck you Jungkook"

"not today bubs, maybe next time"


Jungkook laughed and the door opened, making the two raise their heads and look at the whoever came in.

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