One Fairytale Closer SM

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You, Scott, and Stiles had been best friends ever since you moved to Beacon Hills. That was around 6 years ago when you were a shy and quiet girl.

They saw you eaten no alone at lunch and knew how it felt to be an outcast; therefore, it was no hesitation in their decision to befriend you and make you feel welcome.

It was hard for people to get in between the bonds you created within each other.

When sophomore year rolled around, you became distant. It confused them on how you became closed off when they brought up relationships or boys that wanted to talk to you.

Then, Scott saw you at a diner with a boy. Your smile was so wide that your eyes almost closed. You were glowing and chatty. Something that he rarely saw anymore (It had been about three months since you were your usual self around them).

Something told him to not go in and act like it never happened but his feet didn't listen. Before he knew it, he was inside and before he could run out, you saw him and called him over.

He put on a smile and greeted you as his vision panned over to the shaggy, brown haired boy as you introduced him.

"Scott, this is Sam Winchester, my boyfriend. Sam, this is Scott, one of my best friends."

Sam got up to shake Scott's hand. "It's nice to meet you, Scott. Y/N, has told me so much about you."

"It's funny you say that because I haven't heard much about you or anything about you for the matter. I didn't even know you existed," Scott glanced at you before throwing on a fake grin.

"I'm sure she would have told you about me when she was ready. She had her reasons for hiding it.—"

Scott cut him off and said, "Sam, I'm sure you're a nice guy, but you don't need to justify Y/N's reasons. I'm her best friend." He turned to you, "Did Stiles know?"

You looked down and pushed around your food and that gave him the answer. "I'll see you around, Y/N," he scoffed and shook his head as he grabbed the food he ordered and headed out. 

"That wasn't the reaction I was expecting. At least he doesn't think I'm a bad guy," Sam lightly joked.

He knew that you wouldn't want to talk about whatever just happened with Scott, so he geared the conversation into another direction.

"It's not their impression of you that I'm worried about, Sam."

"Then what are you worried about?" he asked as he gently placed his hand on top of yours.

"I'm worried about your friends impression of me. What if they hate me? Or don't think I'm good enough for you. You usually don't date lower grades.—"

"Y/N, I don't care that you're a sophomore and I'm a junior. You're important to me, and my friends' opinions won't change how I feel about you. I love you, Y/N. I know that you're not ready to say it after your last boyfriend, but I want you to know how I feel and that I'm committed to you."

You smile and pull him towards you from across the table and give him a quick kiss. "I don't deserve you, Sam Winchester."

The two of you got up and he laced his fingers with yours with a chuckle. "That's where you're wrong. You deserve something good after all you've been through. I just hope that you'll let me be that something good."

You stopped to look at him as he opened the Impala door for you. "I'm holding you to that, Winchester."

•One Year and a Half Later (start of your senior year)•

"Scott McCall, if you don't give me my phone back right now—" you tried to chase after him, but you were no match for his werewolf speed.

"What? You can't go a second without talking to Sam? Are you missing him even though it's only been a month since he left for Stanford?" Stiles yelled as he laughed at the two of you.

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