Never-Ending JW

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Day One
Being with Jackson had always been one of the happiest things in your life. He was your rock when you had troubles at home.

Lately, you barely even saw him. When he wasn't at school or lacrosse practice, he was nowhere to be found, and you started getting worried.

He was getting into more trouble and had growing problems with Scott and Stiles that none of them would tell you about. Even at Lydia's birthday party he wasn't really with you. It felt like his head was somewhere else.

He seemed more closed off and distant with you than usual. It felt like the one person you could talk to about anything was slipping out of your grasp.

He was standing you up on dates and stopped showing up to your volleyball games completely. It really started to get in your nerves. Especially when he would show up to your house a crazy hours in the middle of the night.

You decided to confront him before he had lacrosse practice. You walked up to him with a grimace and tapped his shoulder.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" his eyes held concern.

"Don't act like you don't know what's wrong, Jackson. You never talk to me anymore. You've stopped showing up on our dates or volleyball games. What's going on?"

He glances around before whispering, "Can we please talk about this later?"

"No! We are going to talk about this now because if I wait, you will just stand me up. Jackson, I love you, but we have to communicate. Let me be there for you," you gently placed your hand on his forearm.

"Y/N, please," he begged.

You reluctantly gave in and agreed to talk about it later. He deeply kissed you before running off to lacrosse as you went to volleyball.

You met Jackson at his car and he tried to avoid the topic by pulling you into a kiss and acting like nothing is wrong, but you weren't having it.

"Tell me what's going on, Jackson."

He sighed, "I've been blacking out at night, and I don't know why. Y/N, I'm waking up in places that I don't even know. I feel like I'm losing my mind."

You place a gentle hand in his cheek and he leans into it. "Have you tried asking Derek or someone about it? Maybe it has to do with the bite."

He shook his head as he looked into your eyes. You could tell that he was hurting, but couldn't put it in words. He was afraid of himself. He knew something—saw something that he couldn't explain or tell you about, but you didn't want to push him if he wasn't ready to go more in depth.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, breathing in your scent. However, when he opened his eyes, the ones you looked at were foreign to you. "Jackson? Are you okay?"

He didn't say anything to you. He just walked past you like you didn't exist. It seemed like his body was in auto-pilot and it scared you, so you did the only thing that made sense in your head. You called Scott.

"Hey, Y/N, what's going on?" he rushed out. It sounded like he was in a hurry to get somewhere. You could hear the rattle of the jeep down a bumpy road in the background.

"I know you're probably busy, but Jackson's been weird lately. He got the bite from Derek, and he just hasn't been the same. Right now, it was like a switch went off in him, and he walked away from me in a sort of trance. I don't know how to help him. I don't even know what's going on with him," you rush out.

He sighed on the other side of the phone as it became silent on the line. "I don't know how to explain what's happening to Jackson to you. This isn't the best way to tell you, but we can explain what's been going on. Meet us at the sheriff's station ASAP," he hangs up.

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