idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish {1-5}

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•breakup preference•

Scott: "Hands getting cold. Losing feeling. Getting old."
After a long time of grieving, you can finally say that you're starting to get over you're break up with Scott. It was definitely tough because he was your everything. Luckily, you had great friends(even though they were his friends, too) that comforted you when you needed it the most.

Stiles: "Hurt I can't shake. We've made every mistake."
It seemed like no matter what you and Stiles tried to do, the both of you ended up hurting each other. You couldn't count the times that he messed up or that you forgave him without making him realize what he did hurts you. It was time for you to move on, and hopefully regain your heart.

Derek: "I just wish you could feel what you say. Show. Never tell."
Derek always says that he cares and wants you, but he never shows it. He may say he love you, but in his eyes, you can tell that he's guarding his true emotions from you. You're trying so hard to make it work, but nothing ever changes. He says empty words that make you stay but never makes you feel loved, wanted or cared for.

Jackson: "If 'I love you' was a promise. Would you break it, if you're honest."
Jackson's been a player, you've dealt with your fair share of them, and you know how the story goes. He's going to say empty words to get what he wants, but you'll believe them anyway. He's never been the type to fall in love or stay with one girl, so you never truly opened yourself up to him. In the end, you're glad you didn't because he left you so quickly when the next girl give him something that you weren't ready to give.

Isaac: "Only you know the way that I break."
Isaac has always had a low self esteem due to all his problems at home with his dad. Even when he moved out, they followed him like a shadow. You always had to be careful of what you said or did because behind the tough exterior, he was truly afraid of being alone. That's why it hurt so much when you left. He only recognized you as the key to his happiness, but he wasn't making you happy anymore.

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