"Not my place to answer that, sweetheart."

"I'm generally good with girls...I think...but it's going badly this time..."

"Totally couldn't guess."

"Oh, hush," Jiwon grumbled, nudging her lightly with his elbow which only made her laugh in response. "I mean...you're cool, though. And chill. And stuff."

The girl raised her eyebrows, smiling a little in amusement. "Thanks?"

"But I just...urgh, I've been getting very gay thoughts recently about this one guy who is honestly amazing, like wowie he's so great but anyway, I can't stop it, like how does one just stopit's impossible, dude—I mean, dudette or...agh, I don't know, why am I even telling you this, you're gonna hate me-"

"Oh my God, you're so strange," the girl giggled, making Jiwon crack a sheepish smile. "I...ah, my agent's calling me but—and I hope you're not saying all this 'cause you're drunk or anything-"

"Why does everyone think this means I'm drunk?!"

"—just channel it, don't go against what your heart wants. I think you need to fix this for yourself and get some closure or answers before you can get anywhere with this shoot...or, I mean, you can just keep suffering. But I don't know the details so..."

The girl shrugged, hopping up and sending Jiwon a small wave before walking off. Jiwon waved at her back, thinking mindlessly as he stayed on the roundabout, rotating as slowly as possible as he lightly dragged a foot along the ground. He wondered if it was just the fact that he couldn't relax that was holding him back because usually, he was the most laidback person one would see. So he tried to use that, swinging his legs up on to the seat behind him and stretching his arms out, his hands still attached to the roundabout's railing - but of course something had to ruin it.

But it was arguably the best something it could've been.

Jiwon let out a gargled noise when two arms wrapped around him from behind, hugging him close to them and saying brightly, "Sup, hyung?"

Jiwon's usual reaction to an overwhelming amount of 'Hanbin-Skinship' was to yell at the guy to get off before perhaps giving up and letting him do whatever, but this time, he decided to stand up which instantly turned into some kind of piggy-bank horror that Hanbin didn't appreciate all that much. "WoaH, HEY NO-"

"Youuuu asked for it," Jiwon sang, about to take hold of Hanbin's legs but the younger had already wrapped them around Jiwon's torso. The action made him gulp a little, odd thoughts filling his head before he quickly shook them off, opting for running about and almost falling in laughter at Hanbin's frantic, "Ah, ah, aH, NO NONONO, STOP THIS MADNESS, DON'T YOU DARE DROP-"

"I would never!" Jiwon gasped in mock-offence at such a thought, grinning as Hanbin dropped his chin on top of Jiwon's head as a sign of giving up, grumbling, "I never signed up for this..."

"To be fair, you didn't have to come."

"Oi, we settled this last night, damn you!"

Jiwon simply shrugged, hitching Hanbin up a little as he walked over to the cameras and the director looked at them oddly, his eyes flicking between Hanbin and Jiwon. "Uh...I see you found each other?"

"He attacked me so I guess you could say that."

"Morning, sir! Hope I'm not intruding," Hanbin said as solemnly as one can do when they're the subject of a piggy-back, raising his hand in a salute. The director simply raised an eyebrow and Jiwon realised something then; even though this director was nice and open-minded as hell, he didn't think he had ever actually seen the guy smile. Maybe that should go on his bucket list.

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